7 month old still not potty trained


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Dec 17, 2019
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Our puppy will be turning 8 months this month and seems to not be making progress on her potty training. We are currently crate training her with no problems,. She sleeps through the night with no problems. We take her out every hour or two to go potty. She consistently pees each time and each time we praise and give her treats. The problem occurs when she is out and about under our supervision. Sometimes she'll just pop a squat and pee even though she peed an hour earlier and had no water since. On the rare occasion, she'll just pee without squatting. Is a vet visit in order? How old were your pups when they were fully potty trained?
Hello - sounds like you are doing a lot of good things in her potty training thus far. I adopted a 12 month old female Frenchie a few years ago and she had many accidents inside the house when she first came to us. We revisited potty training giving her a "refresher" and she has not had a single accident since. I have heard that Frenchies can be stubborn and hard to potty train. I know a few owners who have adult Frenchies who occasionally have accidents. Since it sounds like you are doing everything I would normally recommend already, the only thing I can think of would be to maybe select a high value treat or food that she absolutely loves and only give it to her when she goes potty outside. You indicated that you praise her when she goes outside, but maybe kick that up a notch too - like go crazy with excitement and pats and kisses. What happens when she does have an accident? It is best to simply clean it up if you discover the mess after the fact. If you catch her in the act, say a firm "NO!" and pick her up quickly and rush her outside. When she finishes there, do the praise. It also helps (at least for me every time I potty train a dog) to have the dog go in the same area every time and teach a command. This comes in handy for quick potty trips out during inclement weather. No one wants to stand outside for a long time if it's pouring rain, etc...so if you teach the "go potty" command and bring her to the same spot, she should go quickly for you. I no longer have to even say the command. She just knows we walk to her potty spot and she goes and we head back inside.

I wish you luck. I know it can be frustrating. Sounds like you have a really good start. If you think that it warrants a vet visit just to rule some medical issue out, go for it. If the occasional accident she is having follows a pattern, like if she squats to pee after rough playing/exercise, then you can head that off by taking her outside again right after you are done playing with her, etc. The general rule I like to follow is dogs should go outside to potty after waking up, after being crated, after rough playing, and of course after eating (about 30-60 minutes later).
Frenchies are very difficult to potty train but I would maybe ask the vet if she has a UTI. It took us about a year to train our two and they still cannot be loose when we are home. Good luck with her.
You’ve been given an excellent advice! Just for frame of reference it took us a two full years to get our boy potty trained and on a schedule

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