Concerned puppy mama needs help! Bloody stool and allergy trouble


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Jan 22, 2019
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Hi all,

I'm really looking forward to getting your advice on some health trouble my frenchie pup Ruben has been having. He's just now 6 months old and we've had him since he was 8 weeks old.

When we first got him, he seemed in great health - bright eyes, shiny coat, a tiny bit of pot belly, and a ton of energy. About one week later, he started having severe diarrhea nonstop. We brought a stool sample to our local vet and found out he had both Giardia & Coccidia, which we promptly treated him for with panacur and probiotics.

Around the same time we started seeing blood in his stool occasionally, so our vet put him on a prescription diet of Purina Pro Plan EN dry and wet food. The first couple of days on the new diet made a HUGE improvement and he was much more active than in the days previously.

Unfortunately, since then we've continued to see blood in his stool almost daily - now four months later. Sometimes it's mixed in and the whole thing has a reddish tint, other times he passes drops of blood, and sometimes what looks to be mucus (but he has been vaccinated for parvovirus so we don't think it's that). At one point we sought another opinion from a second vet, and treated him with metronidazole for 8 days, which completely stopped the blood in his stool, but made him nauseous and he vomited the majority of days he was on the medicine (thus not a long term solution).

About a week after the metronidazole ended, he had his first ear infection. We've gotten good at keeping his ears clean, but he still scratches at them often.

At his 6 month check in with our regular vet, since Ruben was still having such frequent blood in his stool, our vet decided to switch him to a hydrolyzed prescription diet (Purina Pro Plan HA dry food and continuing with the EN wet food until we are officially switched over), thinking that he may be allergic to the chicken in the EN food.

It's been about 2 and a half weeks since we started to (very slowly) switch him over to the hydrolyzed diet, and last week we noticed he was starting to get super itchy. The next day I checked him out and found a little rash growing under his armpits that got much worse quickly and spread to his tummy. He's now on cefpodoxime for the rash, but we're four days in and doesn't seem to be helping much.

With all that backstory, I'm wondering:

- Could the new hydrolyzed diet could be causing the armpit/tummy rash? The vet didn't think so, since it's under his arms in an area that would be more common with an environmental allergy, but the timing makes me think there's a correlation.

- If the armpit rash isn't due to the food, any ideas on what the most common environmental allergens are? It's been a cold, cold winter here in CT so he hasn't been outside for extended periods of time. I'm wondering if it's dust or.. ?

- Any other puppy parents have advice for doggies with blood in their stool? Could it be severe allergies? Or just colitis (which I've read can be hereditary to the breed), which we'll have to deal with long term?

Ruben is very much sick of feeling sick, so we are both deeply appreciative of your time and support. Here he is from one of his many vet visits this past few months:


Thanks so much in advance for any help or advice you might have for Ruben and me!

Sometimes it can be tough to get rid of giardia. I assume a decal test was done at the end of taking the medication? All that medication can definitely do a number on their gut...what probiotic are you giving?

I personally am not a fan of any of those prescription diets and that can also be causing some issues. What food were you feeding before all of this happened?

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I've not dealt with bloody stool before but my little guy does have bad allergies. I've more or less learned: Don't let him have ANYTHING outside of his standard food/diet (not even yak chews or other little treats). I ended up getting an allergy test done for him to find out what foods are safe for him.... I'd be pretty skeptical about Purina, does that have chicken in it? Also they have a vegetarian variety??? what? - You could look into frozen raw - I switched Samson to stella&chewy's or Primal frozen raw with some goats milk. It's done wonders for him (so long as you know which proteins your dog is allergic to).
Thanks so much for your thoughts!

[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] - we did retest for Giardia and turned out he still had it after the panacur, but we were told that the metronidazole he was on would wipe it out. Not a bad idea to retest though! We gave him Purina FortiFlora probiotics most recently and now he is having a small scoop of yogurt with breakfast each morning. As a puppy he was on Eukenuba for small breeds, but really only for a few days when we first brought him home from the breeder. After all I’ve read on the forum I’m thinking of trying to switch him over to a freeze dried or frozen food to see if that makes a difference. He’s been very gassy even on the HA prescription diet so I agree it can’t be very high quality.

[MENTION=3392]Dreamer[/MENTION] - thanks for your advice! I will look into Stella and Chewy/Primal and definitely get an allergy test done as well.
Thanks so much for your thoughts!

[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] - we did retest for Giardia and turned out he still had it after the panacur, but we were told that the metronidazole he was on would wipe it out. Not a bad idea to retest though! We gave him Purina FortiFlora probiotics most recently and now he is having a small scoop of yogurt with breakfast each morning. As a puppy he was on Eukenuba for small breeds, but really only for a few days when we first brought him home from the breeder. After all I’ve read on the forum I’m thinking of trying to switch him over to a freeze dried or frozen food to see if that makes a difference. He’s been very gassy even on the HA prescription diet so I agree it can’t be very high quality.

[MENTION=3392]Dreamer[/MENTION] - thanks for your advice! I will look into Stella and Chewy/Primal and definitely get an allergy test done as well.

It probably wouldn't hurt to get another test done. I know people that it took months and months to get rid of giardia. I recently read an article somewhere about why Fortiflora is not a good probiotic. I will see if I can track it down.

A freeze dried or frozen raw diet would probably help.
Hi all! Wanted to share a quick update on how Ruben is doing after getting all of your great advice. We’ve switched him over to The Honest Kitchen beef limited ingredient diet and so far, so good. He happily scarfs it down and his stools have gotten a lot more regular and significantly less bloody - WOOHOO! We’ve seen maybe 2 or 3 drops of blood since the switch, which is a HUGE improvement. I’ve been doing a little happy dance almost daily!

He’s having goats milk once a day and we are being really careful about the ingredients in his treats - no chicken for this guy anymore!

We’re also visiting a new vet next week to hopefully get another fecal test to be sure all the parasites are gone, and I’d like to get an allergy test as well just to have a little more info in my arsenal.

Thank you all so much. Ruben is a much happier boy lately thanks to your help! Here he is watching the sun go up from bed :)


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Hi all! Wanted to share a quick update on how Ruben is doing after getting all of your great advice. We’ve switched him over to The Honest Kitchen beef limited ingredient diet and so far, so good. He happily scarfs it down and his stools have gotten a lot more regular and significantly less bloody - WOOHOO! We’ve seen maybe 2 or 3 drops of blood since the switch, which is a HUGE improvement. I’ve been doing a little happy dance almost daily!

He’s having goats milk once a day and we are being really careful about the ingredients in his treats - no chicken for this guy anymore!

We’re also visiting a new vet next week to hopefully get another fecal test to be sure all the parasites are gone, and I’d like to get an allergy test as well just to have a little more info in my arsenal.

Thank you all so much. Ruben is a much happier boy lately thanks to your help! Here he is watching the sun go up from bed :)

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Great update!

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Hi all! Wanted to share a quick update on how Ruben is doing after getting all of your great advice. We’ve switched him over to The Honest Kitchen beef limited ingredient diet and so far, so good. He happily scarfs it down and his stools have gotten a lot more regular and significantly less bloody - WOOHOO! We’ve seen maybe 2 or 3 drops of blood since the switch, which is a HUGE improvement. I’ve been doing a little happy dance almost daily!

He’s having goats milk once a day and we are being really careful about the ingredients in his treats - no chicken for this guy anymore!

We’re also visiting a new vet next week to hopefully get another fecal test to be sure all the parasites are gone, and I’d like to get an allergy test as well just to have a little more info in my arsenal.

Thank you all so much. Ruben is a much happier boy lately thanks to your help! Here he is watching the sun go up from bed :)

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Great news!! So happy he is doing much better! Keep us posted and keep those pictures coming