Desperate need of help, tips or advice

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Our French bulldog Rocco is nearly 2 he wasnā€™t treated like a baby as a pup and has been crate trained from the day we brought him home. Our eldest son often trod on him and played abit rough with him which caused him to go for his feet and chase him which he still does most of the time. But now heā€™s constantly pooing in the cage everytime we go out or at night so we wake up to it every morning and now heā€™s starting to wee too which is requiring the bedding to be cleaned every day as well as him, even when he isnā€™t in the cage and he goes to the toilet he will always try and eat it if we arenā€™t quick enough. Weā€™ve tried giving him pineapple in his food which was suggested to us and this stopped it for a little while then he learnt to swallow it whole and then just picked around the pineapple , so then we tried leaving it down and put hot sauce on the poo which was also suggested but again he just licked the hot sauce off. Heā€™s very stubborn and just doesnā€™t seem satisfied, he doesnā€™t just relax and lay down like a normal dog, he just constantly wants more. We did try leaving him out of the cage for a couple of nights which was fine until he decided he wanted more and done a poo on the carpet. He just doesnā€™t seem to be happy unless he is doing what he wants. He barks at passers by and also other dogs, and heā€™s started to get a little aggressive when he gets told off and doesnā€™t like it. The pooing in the cage used to just be of a night even after heā€™d been for a walk but now itā€™s getting to be everytime we are out. Itā€™s getting to the point my youngest is scared of him, and neither of our kids have any time for him and heā€™s getting our family down. We donā€™t want to give up on him but we just donā€™t know what to do anymore. My kids are having to eat breakfast in their bedrooms before school because of the mess and smell heā€™s made and it just isnā€™t fair on them. We did try a few rehoming centres but they are currently full and he canā€™t be put ona waiting list. So any advice, tips or help would be greatly appreciated at this point because we are at the end of our tether. He has always been crate trained as a pup as we wanted him to have a safe space and didnā€™t trust him not to poo everywhere or to chew which weā€™ve been quite lucky with the chewing compared to some bits Iā€™ve read about frenchies. Thank you in advance for any help received

Rustyā€™s Owner

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Feb 11, 2022
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Our French bulldog Rocco is nearly 2 he wasnā€™t treated like a baby as a pup and has been crate trained from the day we brought him home. Our eldest son often trod on him and played abit rough with him which caused him to go for his feet and chase him which he still does most of the time. But now heā€™s constantly pooing in the cage everytime we go out or at night so we wake up to it every morning and now heā€™s starting to wee too which is requiring the bedding to be cleaned every day as well as him, even when he isnā€™t in the cage and he goes to the toilet he will always try and eat it if we arenā€™t quick enough. Weā€™ve tried giving him pineapple in his food which was suggested to us and this stopped it for a little while then he learnt to swallow it whole and then just picked around the pineapple , so then we tried leaving it down and put hot sauce on the poo which was also suggested but again he just licked the hot sauce off. Heā€™s very stubborn and just doesnā€™t seem satisfied, he doesnā€™t just relax and lay down like a normal dog, he just constantly wants more. We did try leaving him out of the cage for a couple of nights which was fine until he decided he wanted more and done a poo on the carpet. He just doesnā€™t seem to be happy unless he is doing what he wants. He barks at passers by and also other dogs, and heā€™s started to get a little aggressive when he gets told off and doesnā€™t like it. The pooing in the cage used to just be of a night even after heā€™d been for a walk but now itā€™s getting to be everytime we are out. Itā€™s getting to the point my youngest is scared of him, and neither of our kids have any time for him and heā€™s getting our family down. We donā€™t want to give up on him but we just donā€™t know what to do anymore. My kids are having to eat breakfast in their bedrooms before school because of the mess and smell heā€™s made and it just isnā€™t fair on them. We did try a few rehoming centres but they are currently full and he canā€™t be put ona waiting list. So any advice, tips or help would be greatly appreciated at this point because we are at the end of our tether. He has always been crate trained as a pup as we wanted him to have a safe space and didnā€™t trust him not to poo everywhere or to chew which weā€™ve been quite lucky with the chewing compared to some bits Iā€™ve read about frenchies. Thank you in advance for any help received


Is his crate a big area?? I would recommend you get a smaller crate or a crate divider so he has only room to lay down and sit, this helps keep them from potty in the crate. Most dogs find the crate as a safe space, and will only potty in it if there isnā€™t a choice and no one lets him outside to do it.

As for eating the poop, one of my dogs Used to do that daily since being a pup, and it was lack of nutrition from Low quality dog food. As soon as I switched her to raw diet, which was almost 2 years ago, she maybe only Tried to eat it 1-2 times during the whole time on raw, but those times were out of habit and she never ended up eating it, just went to sniff it and we cleaned it up.
She was 5 years when we switched her to raw, so this was a habit of eating poop since she was a puppy, again from low quality food. And she is now 7.5 years and that habit of over 5 years has been actually STOPPED since 2 years ago we switched her to raw diet.

Your dog is 2 years, this can happen to have him to stop eating it.

This issue is usually from low quality food, and he could be trying to poop more often cause he is hungry and wants to eat it.
Itā€™s definitely gross when they eat it.

*IF you canā€™t feed him raw, Try feeding him Natures Logic for kibble.

But I recommend you try him on raw dog food and see if it improves, but like I said if your not willing to try that then try Natures Logic kibble.

It does take time and wonā€™t be overnight results of him to stop eating his poop.
In the meantime, try getting a spray bottle and put ONLY water in it and if you see him eat it or try to eat it, spray him with the water in the squirt bottle. This is NOT harmful and is completely safe as itā€™s JUST water! That works for the stubborn things like house training if he is stubborn and to break bad habits like eating poop.
Spray him when he is gonna eat it, and say a firm ā€˜Leave Itā€™ or ā€˜NOā€™.

When he leaves it, praise and reward with treats.

Do this for the biting the feet with the kids, spray him and say NO or leave it, when he goes to nip the feet.
When you say leave it or No to bite the kids feet, redirect him and say good boy and praise and reward with treats if he listens and doesnā€™t nip the feet.

What do you feed him????

have you tried potty training him to go in the yard and on walks Instead of in the house?? He could also need more training. You take him outside and wait until he goes, then praise and reward with good treats, it takes time but definitely works, and when he gets used to potty outside you should have a good idea when he needs to potty.
Then you can train him to potty On command.
For Rusty, I tell him Go Pee and within 30 seconds he will pee. Then you can send him outside and if you tell him go pee and he does it, praise and say good pee! Lots of reward. He will learn quickly.
But since he is 2 years, it will take time and patience as this has been a issue for a while now.

He Needs to be out of the crate and not always in the crate, thatā€™s probably a big part of the issue, he needs to be part of the family and be with you all and not have everyone scared of him, that will create bigger issues later on.
If the kids were outside with him for example, Iā€™m sure he would be more willing to potty outside than in crate.

You need a crate divider too and have a very small space in the crate that he can only lay down in and nothing bigger as he will want to potty in it.

He needs training and it takes time and patience.

Make sure everyone including kids donā€™t ignore him and be nice to him.
IF people in your home are stressed or scared for Any reason, this will make your dog scared and stressed too and cause more problems. If your frustrated, so will you dog, they pick up on your energy. Just keep that in mind for also when you train him to potty outside Andy use spray bottle to break habit of eating gross things.

What do you feed him????
Thatā€™s also needing to be fixed to a better food to stop this eating gross habit.

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Is his crate a big area?? I would recommend you get a smaller crate or a crate divider so he has only room to lay down and sit, this helps keep them from potty in the crate. Most dogs find the crate as a safe space, and will only potty in it if there isnā€™t a choice and no one lets him outside to do it.

As for eating the poop, one of my dogs Used to do that daily since being a pup, and it was lack of nutrition from Low quality dog food. As soon as I switched her to raw diet, which was almost 2 years ago, she maybe only Tried to eat it 1-2 times during the whole time on raw, but those times were out of habit and she never ended up eating it, just went to sniff it and we cleaned it up.
She was 5 years when we switched her to raw, so this was a habit of eating poop since she was a puppy, again from low quality food. And she is now 7.5 years and that habit of over 5 years has been actually STOPPED since 2 years ago we switched her to raw diet.

Your dog is 2 years, this can happen to have him to stop eating it.

This issue is usually from low quality food, and he could be trying to poop more often cause he is hungry and wants to eat it.
Itā€™s definitely gross when they eat it.

*IF you canā€™t feed him raw, Try feeding him Natures Logic for kibble.

But I recommend you try him on raw dog food and see if it improves, but like I said if your not willing to try that then try Natures Logic kibble.

It does take time and wonā€™t be overnight results of him to stop eating his poop.
In the meantime, try getting a spray bottle and put ONLY water in it and if you see him eat it or try to eat it, spray him with the water in the squirt bottle. This is NOT harmful and is completely safe as itā€™s JUST water! That works for the stubborn things like house training if he is stubborn and to break bad habits like eating poop.
Spray him when he is gonna eat it, and say a firm ā€˜Leave Itā€™ or ā€˜NOā€™.

When he leaves it, praise and reward with treats.

Do this for the biting the feet with the kids, spray him and say NO or leave it, when he goes to nip the feet.
When you say leave it or No to bite the kids feet, redirect him and say good boy and praise and reward with treats if he listens and doesnā€™t nip the feet.

What do you feed him????

have you tried potty training him to go in the yard and on walks Instead of in the house?? He could also need more training. You take him outside and wait until he goes, then praise and reward with good treats, it takes time but definitely works, and when he gets used to potty outside you should have a good idea when he needs to potty.
Then you can train him to potty On command.
For Rusty, I tell him Go Pee and within 30 seconds he will pee. Then you can send him outside and if you tell him go pee and he does it, praise and say good pee! Lots of reward. He will learn quickly.
But since he is 2 years, it will take time and patience as this has been a issue for a while now.

He Needs to be out of the crate and not always in the crate, thatā€™s probably a big part of the issue, he needs to be part of the family and be with you all and not have everyone scared of him, that will create bigger issues later on.
If the kids were outside with him for example, Iā€™m sure he would be more willing to potty outside than in crate.

You need a crate divider too and have a very small space in the crate that he can only lay down in and nothing bigger as he will want to potty in it.

He needs training and it takes time and patience.

Make sure everyone including kids donā€™t ignore him and be nice to him.
IF people in your home are stressed or scared for Any reason, this will make your dog scared and stressed too and cause more problems. If your frustrated, so will you dog, they pick up on your energy. Just keep that in mind for also when you train him to potty outside Andy use spray bottle to break habit of eating gross things.

What do you feed him????
Thatā€™s also needing to be fixed to a better food to stop this eating gross habit.
Hi there thank you for the advice and tips, but we have used the spray bottle method but he likes that and just tries to drink it, and just thinks your playing as he loves the water. We did try him on raw food for a few weeks but it got worse, so Iā€™m guessing he likes the taste.

As for him being out the crate he is during the day unless we are out or itā€™s bedtime. My kids wonā€™t even play with him as he just jumps up at them.

He is potty trained because he will go outside on walks etc when we spoke to a behaviourist they said itā€™s just his personality and he purely goes to the toilet in the crate as a behaviour issue to get out of the crate, because he knows he has done wrong because he wonā€™t look you in the eye. He can go for a walk after his food and go toilet outside no problem and will have nothing more to eat but overnight he still manages to push one out to eat.

His crate is a medium which is just big enough for him to lay down in and turn around.

His food was AVA kibble mixed with raw tripe

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Hi there thank you for the advice and tips, but we have used the spray bottle method but he likes that and just tries to drink it, and just thinks your playing as he loves the water. We did try him on raw food for a few weeks but it got worse, so Iā€™m guessing he likes the taste.

As for him being out the crate he is during the day unless we are out or itā€™s bedtime. My kids wonā€™t even play with him as he just jumps up at them.

He is potty trained because he will go outside on walks etc when we spoke to a behaviourist they said itā€™s just his personality and he purely goes to the toilet in the crate as a behaviour issue to get out of the crate, because he knows he has done wrong because he wonā€™t look you in the eye. He can go for a walk after his food and go toilet outside no problem and will have nothing more to eat but overnight he still manages to push one out to eat.

His crate is a medium which is just big enough for him to lay down in and turn around.

His food was AVA kibble mixed with raw tripe
Also we went away and a good friend of ours looked after him, who is a dog lover and has had many different breeds so has good knowledge, he was fine with him until one evening when he got told off for something, he then went to the toilet in their house that night. So the pooing is definitely a behaviour issue, as heā€™s been vet checked and weā€™ve spoken to behaviourists

Rustyā€™s Owner

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2022
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Hi there thank you for the advice and tips, but we have used the spray bottle method but he likes that and just tries to drink it, and just thinks your playing as he loves the water. We did try him on raw food for a few weeks but it got worse, so Iā€™m guessing he likes the taste.

As for him being out the crate he is during the day unless we are out or itā€™s bedtime. My kids wonā€™t even play with him as he just jumps up at them.

He is potty trained because he will go outside on walks etc when we spoke to a behaviourist they said itā€™s just his personality and he purely goes to the toilet in the crate as a behaviour issue to get out of the crate, because he knows he has done wrong because he wonā€™t look you in the eye. He can go for a walk after his food and go toilet outside no problem and will have nothing more to eat but overnight he still manages to push one out to eat.

His crate is a medium which is just big enough for him to lay down in and turn around.

His food was AVA kibble mixed with raw tripe

Since you have tried the spray bottle, can you make a LOUD Clap noise with you hands or something, itā€™s to Get his attention while in he is trying to do something he shouldnā€™t. Then they associate the unexpected spray or noise with the habit they are not allowed to do.

Raw food would not make the poop eating habit any worse.
Like I said before, it does t go away overnight and it takes time.

What raw food was it you tried???

Raw is best for them and their health if your open to it. I recommend trying a good premade raw dog food(if your in Canada for example there is Carnivora and Artisan raw-the best!).

It CAN Become a habit, But when they start doing it itā€™s for a reason and itā€™s often cause they are lacking something and need better nutrition, for why I suggested Raw diet.

IF your not open to trying Raw again, can you try Natures Logic kibble???
Thatā€™s the next best if raw isnā€™t option.

Do you have Natures Logic kibble available to you??? Are you willing to give it a try to see if it helps stop the issue? Even if it doesnā€™t stop the poop eating issue, thatā€™s the best kibble if you canā€™t feed raw.

Natures Logic is way healthier than AVA kibble. I recommend trying the Natures Logic for him.

Make sure when he poops in his crate, you do NOT let him out immediately as he knows then if he does it in the crate, you let him out immediately which is what he wants and he kind of has you trained it sounds like.

One other thing you could try, Can you try putting a Dog Diaper on him when he is in the crate?? I know it sounds crazy but that may help with the poop eating and crate mess when he wants to come out of the crate immediately.
and overnight it will help make him realize he canā€™t get to eat it.
Just a thought.

And he NEEDS to know YOU are the boss in the house and he must listen to you, it sounds like he may also think HE is boss and he doesnā€™t think he has to listen to you.

So when you feed him, or give treats or anything, ask him to Sit, or lay down and Wait until he is told he can eat it. This helps teach him to listen to you.

Again, my other dog was brutal for eating poop(she is NOT a frenchie), but it was a every time thing for over 5 YEARS and it completely STOPPED since the food change to Raw.

But like I mentioned to you, try a better kibble like Natures Logic to see if that helps.

And maybe try the diaper.

And make a noise while he is thinking on eating it and say NO or Leave it.

It could be possible he smells the raw tripe in his poop too, which can cause him to eat the poop cause tripe smells gross!! Thatā€™s possible, but tripe is really good for them and the raw dog food I buy for my dogs has tripe in it and none of my dogs eat poop.

Try Natures Logic kibble and completely stop the tripe and AVA food. Thatā€™s what I recommend that may really help.

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Since you have tried the spray bottle, can you make a LOUD Clap noise with you hands or something, itā€™s to Get his attention while in he is trying to do something he shouldnā€™t. Then they associate the unexpected spray or noise with the habit they are not allowed to do.

Raw food would not make the poop eating habit any worse.
Like I said before, it does t go away overnight and it takes time.

What raw food was it you tried???

Raw is best for them and their health if your open to it. I recommend trying a good premade raw dog food(if your in Canada for example there is Carnivora and Artisan raw-the best!).

It CAN Become a habit, But when they start doing it itā€™s for a reason and itā€™s often cause they are lacking something and need better nutrition, for why I suggested Raw diet.

IF your not open to trying Raw again, can you try Natures Logic kibble???
Thatā€™s the next best if raw isnā€™t option.

Do you have Natures Logic kibble available to you??? Are you willing to give it a try to see if it helps stop the issue? Even if it doesnā€™t stop the poop eating issue, thatā€™s the best kibble if you canā€™t feed raw.

Natures Logic is way healthier than AVA kibble. I recommend trying the Natures Logic for him.

Make sure when he poops in his crate, you do NOT let him out immediately as he knows then if he does it in the crate, you let him out immediately which is what he wants and he kind of has you trained it sounds like.

One other thing you could try, Can you try putting a Dog Diaper on him when he is in the crate?? I know it sounds crazy but that may help with the poop eating and crate mess when he wants to come out of the crate immediately.
and overnight it will help make him realize he canā€™t get to eat it.
Just a thought.

And he NEEDS to know YOU are the boss in the house and he must listen to you, it sounds like he may also think HE is boss and he doesnā€™t think he has to listen to you.

So when you feed him, or give treats or anything, ask him to Sit, or lay down and Wait until he is told he can eat it. This helps teach him to listen to you.

Again, my other dog was brutal for eating poop(she is NOT a frenchie), but it was a every time thing for over 5 YEARS and it completely STOPPED since the food change to Raw.

But like I mentioned to you, try a better kibble like Natures Logic to see if that helps.

And maybe try the diaper.

And make a noise while he is thinking on eating it and say NO or Leave it.

It could be possible he smells the raw tripe in his poop too, which can cause him to eat the poop cause tripe smells gross!! Thatā€™s possible, but tripe is really good for them and the raw dog food I buy for my dogs has tripe in it and none of my dogs eat poop.

Try Natures Logic kibble and completely stop the tripe and AVA food. Thatā€™s what I recommend that may really help.
We live in the uk, so natures logic isnā€™t quite as easy to get hold of here, when I had a Google of it it did say shipping from Texas.

A doggy nappy could be an option but heā€™s so badly behaved I think Iā€™d end up waking up to a ripped nappy everywhere. But itā€™s worth a shot at this point.

He does sit and wait for his dinner and will not eat until you say ā€˜go on thenā€™ we have done this since he came home with us. We can even stop him midway from eating so he can listen he just has selective hearing I guess.

The spray bottle with the clap we brought a pet corrector which is basically an empty can and lets off a loud noise. He thoroughly enjoyed that noise and if anything he looked forward to hearing it.

The dog food we have is from Itā€™s a subscription and you build your own food depending on the requirements, age and breed of your dog.

I 100% get what you are saying and I appreciate your advice but we have tried everything. Thereā€™s nothing we havenā€™t tried. We have taken him to the vets heā€™s healthy. So itā€™s not medical, we have spoken to other frenchy owners on walks and behaviourists and theyā€™ve all said the same thing, he is stubborn, he wants to do what he wants to do when and how and if. He can listen because like I stated he sits and waits for food or treats or the lead. But when it comes to being told off or bedtime all hell breaks loose and we wake up to this EVERY MORNING. Coming home from work heā€™s done it, been out for the days heā€™s done it. We canā€™t leave him out of the crate because we donā€™t trust him and he will do it all over the carpet. He can be out in the garden for hours and come in and the minute itā€™s bedtime we can hear it happening and smell it seconds later. He has an issue with being told what to do. He doesnā€™t like it so he rebels in the way of toileting in a space.

We donā€™t let him out straight away when heā€™s done it. He knows heā€™s done wrong because he goes as far back as he can in the cage and doesnā€™t look you in the eye.

Thank you for your continued advice.

Rustyā€™s Owner

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2022
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We live in the uk, so natures logic isnā€™t quite as easy to get hold of here, when I had a Google of it it did say shipping from Texas.

A doggy nappy could be an option but heā€™s so badly behaved I think Iā€™d end up waking up to a ripped nappy everywhere. But itā€™s worth a shot at this point.

He does sit and wait for his dinner and will not eat until you say ā€˜go on thenā€™ we have done this since he came home with us. We can even stop him midway from eating so he can listen he just has selective hearing I guess.

The spray bottle with the clap we brought a pet corrector which is basically an empty can and lets off a loud noise. He thoroughly enjoyed that noise and if anything he looked forward to hearing it.

The dog food we have is from Itā€™s a subscription and you build your own food depending on the requirements, age and breed of your dog.

I 100% get what you are saying and I appreciate your advice but we have tried everything. Thereā€™s nothing we havenā€™t tried. We have taken him to the vets heā€™s healthy. So itā€™s not medical, we have spoken to other frenchy owners on walks and behaviourists and theyā€™ve all said the same thing, he is stubborn, he wants to do what he wants to do when and how and if. He can listen because like I stated he sits and waits for food or treats or the lead. But when it comes to being told off or bedtime all hell breaks loose and we wake up to this EVERY MORNING. Coming home from work heā€™s done it, been out for the days heā€™s done it. We canā€™t leave him out of the crate because we donā€™t trust him and he will do it all over the carpet. He can be out in the garden for hours and come in and the minute itā€™s bedtime we can hear it happening and smell it seconds later. He has an issue with being told what to do. He doesnā€™t like it so he rebels in the way of toileting in a space.

We donā€™t let him out straight away when heā€™s done it. He knows heā€™s done wrong because he goes as far back as he can in the cage and doesnā€™t look you in the eye.

Thank you for your continued advice.

So you feed Butterbox fresh cooked food(I just looked up what is in butterbox), thatā€™s what you feed??
I thought you said you feed AVA kibble and tripe.
Butterbox looks like a good food.

Well you could try feeding him Natures Logic if you can get it(even try it for 2 or 3 medium bags) to see if it makes a difference. Itā€™s healthier than AVA kibble. Just a suggestion that may help him.

I was thinking to try this supplement for my dog but I didnā€™t have to cause the raw diet made the full difference so I personally havenā€™t tried this supplement(see photo below).

He needs to be able to take the word NO or off when you say no or off to him without him doing this.

If my frenchie Rusty isnā€™t happy I tell him No the odd time(not very often do I have to tell him No or leave it), Rusty will just give me a dirty look! LOL
Rusty is a very well behaved dog and listens well, and like I said I Rarely have to tell him No to something. They have a unique personalities and are very smart incredible dogs!
They can definitely be stubborn at times, thatā€™s my point.

You say you have tried everything, did you try the supplement below(see photo)? And I recommend you try Natures Logic kibble or try the diaper.
These things I recommend you give a fair try not just 3 weeks(few weeks) like you did with raw diet.

And if something of these suggestions works, then you hopefully wouldnā€™t need to rehome him.

This supplement doesnā€™t mean to feed low quality food though, you still should feed the best premium food you can and then if no difference of poop eating, then add this supplement.

Have you tried this supplement???:
Last edited:

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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No if you read correctly which Iā€™m not being rude but your not reading it correctly. You have asked if Iā€™ve used the nappy or natures logic yet? Youā€™ve only just told me about this so the answer is no. If you read I did say ā€˜I worry I would wake up to a shredded nappy in the morning BUT worth a shotā€™

Also he was on butternut box and still is on butternut box. He was also on our local pet shops tripe with a AVA kibble that our vet (biscot mill vets) told us to buy which they provide in there pet shop. To try and move him away from poo eating (Paulā€™s pets itā€™s called in our area) itā€™s a local small owners shop. Not a generic pet shop.

No I havenā€™t paid for natures logic because Iā€™m going to ask my vet what is another brand that is similar because like I said I live in the UK! So shipping from Texas isnā€™t exactly accessible if I have to keep buying it

Please donā€™t insult me by saying ā€˜which one do you actually feed himā€™

Your clearly not in the uk so you wouldnā€™t know what we have and what we donā€™t have.

Iā€™m glad your rusty is a lovely dog. But I came on here for help not to be insulted or questioned over food I donā€™t have easy access too. Please try not to belittle me with your replies. I am grateful for your help but thereā€™s no need for the questioning. I also do not need you rubbing it in that your rusty is brilliant! Iā€™m happy for you! I need help not to be insulted.

Thank you.

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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So you feed Butterbox fresh cooked food(I just looked up what is in butterbox), thatā€™s what you feed??
I thought you said you feed AVA kibble and Raw tripe?????

Which one do you actually feed him???

Well you could try feeding him Natures Logic if you can get it(even try it for 2 or 3 medium or large bags) to see if it makes a difference. Itā€™s much healthier than AVA kibble.

I was thinking to try this for my dog but I didnā€™t have to cause the raw diet made the full difference so I personally havenā€™t tried this supplement.

He needs to be able to take the word NO or off when you say no or off to him without him doing this.

If my frenchie Rusty isnā€™t happy I tell him No the odd time(not very often do I have to tell him No or leave it), Rusty will just give me a dirty look! LOL
Rusty is a very well behaved dog and listens well, and like I said I Rarely have to tell him No to something. They have a unique personalities and are very smart incredible dogs!
They can define stubborn at times.

You say you have tried everything, did you try the supplement below(see photo)? Did you try Natures Logic kibble or try the diaper?
These things I recommend you give a fair try not just 3 weeks like you did with raw diet.

And if something of these suggestions works, then you wouldnā€™t need to rehome him (hopefully).

This supplement doesnā€™t mean to feed low quality food though, you still should feed the best premium food you can and then if no difference of poop eating, then add this supplement.

Have you tried this supplement???:
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Also did I say 3 weeks? Because I never said 3 weeks. A few weeks is a massive range. Again donā€™t belittle me. Are you a vet? Are you a behaviourist? And you canā€™t say anything if youā€™ve owned a few dogs in your life. My mum has but doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s an expert. Youā€™ve really upset me and I donā€™t wish to have a reply from you.

Thank you

Rustyā€™s Owner

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2022
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No if you read correctly which Iā€™m not being rude but your not reading it correctly. You have asked if Iā€™ve used the nappy or natures logic yet? Youā€™ve only just told me about this so the answer is no. If you read I did say ā€˜I worry I would wake up to a shredded nappy in the morning BUT worth a shotā€™

Also he was on butternut box and still is on butternut box. He was also on our local pet shops tripe with a AVA kibble that our vet (biscot mill vets) told us to buy which they provide in there pet shop. To try and move him away from poo eating (Paulā€™s pets itā€™s called in our area) itā€™s a local small owners shop. Not a generic pet shop.

No I havenā€™t paid for natures logic because Iā€™m going to ask my vet what is another brand that is similar because like I said I live in the UK! So shipping from Texas isnā€™t exactly accessible if I have to keep buying it

Please donā€™t insult me by saying ā€˜which one do you actually feed himā€™

Your clearly not in the uk so you wouldnā€™t know what we have and what we donā€™t have.

Iā€™m glad your rusty is a lovely dog. But I came on here for help not to be insulted or questioned over food I donā€™t have easy access too. Please try not to belittle me with your replies. I am grateful for your help but thereā€™s no need for the questioning. I also do not need you rubbing it in that your rusty is brilliant! Iā€™m happy for you! I need help not to be insulted.

Thank you.

I asked which food you currently feed because you first said itā€™s AVA and tripe, then you mentioned next post thatā€™s butterbox.

I do NOT insult people, or anyone or anything, and if you took it that way, sorry but thatā€™s not my intention at all, and Iā€™m trying to help you.

I am on here to help only and the odd time I ask for advice. No one on here is insulting or anything, itā€™s a support/advice forum for Frenchie owners.

You mentioned you have tried Everything, for why I listed the things you can try that you havenā€™t.

I also wasnā€™t rubbing in Rusty good boy, my point of Saying he is good But he does give me a dirty look at times when I say No the odd time, the point I was saying was they all have their own personalities and are very different. when Rusty doesnā€™t like me say no to something the odd time, his way of saying I didnā€™t like being told NO is a dirty look, thatā€™s my point is they are all different personality wise.

Rusty is not perfect by any means for health issues! I definitely donā€™t rub it in, he has been stubborn at times and taken a long time to train and get to where he is at now. He is also 4.5 years. They all have their own personalities and attitudes as for how they show they didnā€™t like something.

I do NOT insult anyone or knock anyone for anything, or rub anything in and again Iā€™m on here to help give advice based on my knowledge and experience.

Why I asked questions regarding food was simply because one of my dogs had the exact same issue that was completely treated thru food, and most health issues and problems can be treated and prevented thru good diet and supplements.

I know you came on here for help for why I responded and asked questions regarding food and such so I can help you better. But you keep saying you have tried everything for why I again mentioned the things you can try that you havenā€™t yet. Hopefully one of these suggestions will work.
The Natures Logic was just a suggestion and one of the reasons I suggested it caused itā€™s way more available and easier to source than some others I would recommend.

At the end of the day itā€™s 100% completely up to you what you want to try and what your gonna feed. Trial and error.

I came on to help, not for you to accuse me of insulting you, which is NOT what I was doing.

Im sorry you took my helpful advice the wrong way and it upset you, that wasnā€™t my intention.

I have owned MANY dogs not just a few.
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Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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I asked which food you currently feed because you first said itā€™s AVA and tripe, then you mentioned next post thatā€™s butterbox.

I do NOT insult people, or anyone for anything, and if you took it that way, sorry but thatā€™s not my intention at all, and Iā€™m trying to help you.

I am on here to help only and the odd time I ask for advice. No one on here is insulting or anything, itā€™s a support/advice forum for Frenchie owners.

You mentioned you have tried Everything, for why I listed the things you can try that you havenā€™t.

I also wasnā€™t rubbing in Rusty good boy, my point of Saying he is good But he does give me a dirty look at times when I say No the odd time, the point I was saying was they all have their own personalities and are very different. when Rusty doesnā€™t like me say no to something the odd time, his way of saying I didnā€™t like being told NO is a dirty look, thatā€™s my point is they are all different personality wise.

Rusty is not perfect by any means for health issues! I definitely donā€™t rub it in, he has been stubborn at times and taken a long time to train and get to where he is at now. He is also 4.5 years. They all have their own personalities and attitudes as for how they show they didnā€™t like something.

I do NOT insult anyone or knock anyone for anything, or rub anything in and again Iā€™m on here to help give advice based on my knowledge and experience.

Why I asked questions regarding food was simply because one of my dogs had the exact same issue that was completely treated thru food, and most health issues and problems can be treated and prevented thru good diet and supplements.

I know you came on here for help for why I responded and asked questions regarding food and such so I can help you better. But you keep saying you have tried everything for why I again mentioned the things you can try that you havenā€™t yet. Hopefully one of these suggestions will work.
The Natures Logic was just a suggestion and one of the reasons I suggested it caused itā€™s way more available and easier to source than some others I would recommend.

At the end of the day itā€™s 100% completely up to you what you want to try and what your gonna feed. Trial and error.

I came on to help, not for you to accuse me of insulting you, which is NOT what I was doing.

Im sorry you took my helpful advice the wrong way and it upset you, that wasnā€™t my intention.
I took it as an insult because my family have had this for 2 years now. Weā€™re not sleeping, weā€™re eating in separate rooms because of what we are waking up to. My little boy is getting more scared everyday and my little boy might not be to ur priority but he is ours. Rocco doesnā€™t just eat his poo and go to the toilet in his cage. Thereā€™s multiple issues with his behaviour. We have put god knows how much money into this dog from vets, to training classes, to therapy, to one on one behavioural training. Nothing sticks. Itā€™s stopping us from extending our family from our two boys to hopefully a third baby! There is no way we can do this with a baby. Thatā€™s on hold. Our holidays are on hold and that does come with getting a dog I understand that but we want to be able to bring him with us but the thought of him doing this on holiday is terrifying.
We want him to be a part of our family but his behaviour is horrific. Iā€™ve grown up with dogs so has my wife and her family. Iā€™ve never known a dog like it.

You say rusty took time and work. Is this going to take 4 years to get Rocco behaving? What was wrong with rusty? How did you stop it? Not poop eating just in general behaviour.

Thank you

Roccos Owner

New member
Sep 17, 2023
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I took it as an insult because my family have had this for 2 years now. Weā€™re not sleeping, weā€™re eating in separate rooms because of what we are waking up to. My little boy is getting more scared everyday and my little boy might not be to ur priority but he is ours. Rocco doesnā€™t just eat his poo and go to the toilet in his cage. Thereā€™s multiple issues with his behaviour. We have put god knows how much money into this dog from vets, to training classes, to therapy, to one on one behavioural training. Nothing sticks. Itā€™s stopping us from extending our family from our two boys to hopefully a third baby! There is no way we can do this with a baby. Thatā€™s on hold. Our holidays are on hold and that does come with getting a dog I understand that but we want to be able to bring him with us but the thought of him doing this on holiday is terrifying.
We want him to be a part of our family but his behaviour is horrific. Iā€™ve grown up with dogs so has my wife and her family. Iā€™ve never known a dog like it.

You say rusty took time and work. Is this going to take 4 years to get Rocco behaving? What was wrong with rusty? How did you stop it? Not poop eating just in general behaviour.

Thank you
Okay thank you.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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@Roccos Owner - Sorry you are going through all this! Our boy, CHeli is now 12 1/2, he also took took full year to potty train... it was brutal. Frenchies can be extremely stubborn as you are finding out.

Not sure if any of the behaviorist gave you the advice to go back to basis with him... all humans in home go back to basics and follow the "nothing in life is free" technique. it is very easy and f all humans use the same commands, he may fall into place . It might be that Rocco doesn't sense there is a pack leader in the home so he is doing what he wants when he wants. i would not go the nappy route and that will just reinforce the potty issue.

As for eating his poo... ugh - it is tough to figure out. Some do it because they still smell the food in the stool, others out of boredom, and some just because they like it.

I'm not sure you are looking for a new food, but if you are, I follow a Bulldog on Instagram(bulldogpablo) named Pablo, they are located in the UK and his owners use a raw food called Oodles. It looks to be a very good food and they only feed Pabs once a day. It might be worth looking into and hopefully it is an option if you need it

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Thank you for your reply.
He had a medical appointment and everything is all good and well with him they said itā€™s purely behavioural.
Iā€™ve been told to go back to basics from someone else also so thatā€™s what we are currently doing so thank you for that suggestion.
I agree with the fact you said he might not know who the pack leader is which is why heā€™s causing trouble. I donā€™t know how to change that.

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Thank you for your reply.
He had a medical appointment and everything is all good and well with him they said itā€™s purely behavioural.
Iā€™ve been told to go back to basics from someone else also so thatā€™s what we are currently doing so thank you for that suggestion.
I agree with the fact you said he might not know who the pack leader is which is why heā€™s causing trouble. I donā€™t know how to change that.
Sorry I accidentally pressed send before I finished. I donā€™t know how to change the pack leader thing.
The food oodles I am going to look into so that might stop the stool eating as Iā€™m going to be honest I know dogs are a lot of money but the amount of money we have put into him to try and help him and us is thousands. Not many dog groups will accept him because of his lack of liking to other dogs. So thank you for your reply. Itā€™s much appreciated as we are tired and drained with this but at the same time do not want to give up on him.

Thank you again


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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Sorry I accidentally pressed send before I finished. I donā€™t know how to change the pack leader thing.
The food oodles I am going to look into so that might stop the stool eating as Iā€™m going to be honest I know dogs are a lot of money but the amount of money we have put into him to try and help him and us is thousands. Not many dog groups will accept him because of his lack of liking to other dogs. So thank you for your reply. Itā€™s much appreciated as we are tired and drained with this but at the same time do not want to give up on him.

Thank you again
Yes to all this! You being tired and drained emotionally will also add t his acing out. Dogs are very sensitive to emotions and will feed off it causing anxiety, which could be the root cause of is issues. Once you start using and remain consistent with "nothing in life is free" and ALL humans use the same restrictions, and commands, he will slowly fall into place in the pack. he is looking for leadership... once you get it established you'll start seeing improvment. Patience is key, I KNOW it is so hard, but you can do it.

Roccos Owner

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Sep 17, 2023
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Okay thank you! I will try all the steps you have given me and see where I go from there. I understand they feed of emotions and things itā€™s just so hard not to get frustrated. I hope this works and heā€™s happier and we are happier.
Thank you so much for the advice.


Staff member
Apr 6, 2013
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Okay thank you! I will try all the steps you have given me and see where I go from there. I understand they feed of emotions and things itā€™s just so hard not to get frustrated. I hope this works and heā€™s happier and we are happier.
Thank you so much for the advice.
Be kind to yourself... it is not easy - we had a female bulldog, 63 pounds of feisty attitude! She was a bear, spitfire, everything in her eyes was an enemy and needed to know she was the boss. I called her our 9 year training lesson. She was our second bulldog, our first was our very first dog ever between the two of us!! Our first was a golden child, came in and was like God gave us the easiest dog in the world to join our home. well, he was so easy, a year later we were like, lets get him a playmate! Well, in came Banks, at 11 weeks old she came in letting us know she was going to rule the roost!! We sent her away for a week of boot camp and then we had in home lessons to learn how to read her body language and be her leader, not her lead us. it was HARD!! But, after about three months, we had it down, but we could never give her a millimeter, because she would take that as a massive wide open hole to jump through. She ended up being the greatest girl and even after 8 years of her being gone, I still thank God everyday for bringing her to us, because SHE taught me so much about me that I wouldn't have otherwise learned. The reason for our training with her is not totally the same as you situation, but I wanted to share so you know, it takes time, work and patience, but it can be done. Give yourself some grace . Hope this helps :)


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Oct 3, 2023
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Our French bulldog Rocco is nearly 2 he wasnā€™t treated like a baby as a pup and has been crate trained from the day we brought him home. Our eldest son often trod on him and played abit rough with him which caused him to go for his feet and chase him which he still does most of the time. But now heā€™s constantly pooing in the cage everytime we go out or at night so we wake up to it every morning and now heā€™s starting to wee too which is requiring the bedding to be cleaned every day as well as him, even when he isnā€™t in the cage and he goes to the toilet he will always try and eat it if we arenā€™t quick enough. Weā€™ve tried giving him pineapple in his food which was suggested to us and this stopped it for a little while then he learnt to swallow it whole and then just picked around the pineapple , so then we tried leaving it down and put hot sauce on the poo which was also suggested but again he just licked the hot sauce off. Heā€™s very stubborn and just doesnā€™t seem satisfied, he doesnā€™t just relax and lay down like a normal dog, he just constantly wants more. We did try leaving him out of the cage for a couple of nights which was fine until he decided he wanted more and done a poo on the carpet. He just doesnā€™t seem to be happy unless he is doing what he wants. He barks at passers by and also other dogs, and heā€™s started to get a little aggressive when he gets told off and doesnā€™t like it. The pooing in the cage used to just be of a night even after heā€™d been for a walk but now itā€™s getting to be everytime we are out. Itā€™s getting to the point my youngest is scared of him, and neither of our kids have any time for him and heā€™s getting our family down. We donā€™t want to give up on him but we just donā€™t know what to do anymore. My kids are having to eat breakfast in their bedrooms before school because of the mess and smell heā€™s made and it just isnā€™t fair on them. We did try a few rehoming centres but they are currently full and he canā€™t be put ona waiting list. So any advice, tips or help would be greatly appreciated at this point because we are at the end of our tether. He has always been crate trained as a pup as we wanted him to have a safe space and didnā€™t trust him not to poo everywhere or to chew which weā€™ve been quite lucky with the chewing compared to some bits Iā€™ve read about frenchies. Thank you in advance for any help received
Hi, I feel your pain and frustration. I fostered a Frenchie male dog who did not like it if you told him off. Also the water in spray bottle didnā€™t work for him, but a few pebbles in a bottle and a shake and a firm NO worked. You have to get the timing right. Good luck.