Excessive Drooling (very watery and constant dripping)


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Jan 27, 2021
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Hi everyone, I have a female French Bulldog who is coming up to 5 years of age in March this year. The poor girl hasn’t had the greatest of luck when it comes to her health. She first had luxating patella in both of her knees and required surgery for this. This was done in May 2018. The surgery went well and she seemed to be back to herself, although her right hand knee sometimes causes her to skip.

Since then she required to have 3 teeth out on her right hand side, her face had become inflamed and the vet recommended 3 teeth were moved, so we did that. He did say there was one tooth on the left hand side which had a crack in there, but due to the amount of time she was under anaesthetic it would need doing another time (she has now been booked in for this).

For about a year now at times she randomly started drooling really excessively, but it’s not like normal drool it’s literally like a broken tap, really watery and constant dripping. To the point where her entire chin, chest and sofa / bed is soaking wet. Her mood changes, she’s really down in the dumps and seems quite sleepy, like it’s a dull constant pain for her. We’re now unable to walk her for any longer than 5 minutes without the drooling starting. It can last for a few hours to 12 hours and she cannot settle or sleep. The drooling was only once a month or so but has since started getting more frequent. To the point where we don't walk her now unless it's in the house without a lead (she still goes into the garden to do her business).

I’ve found other people in Frenchie forums voicing the same / a very similar issue but haven’t found any replies as to what was causing the issue. Here is the link: http://frenchbulldognews.com/your-french-bulldog-s-health/3250-excessive-drooling-water.html

The vet seems to think it could potentially be something to do with nerves in her back and has recommended to get an MRI Scan, as it could potentially be IVDD and the entire operation could cost upwards of £10,000. Another vet said to wait until her cracked tooth was removed and potentially get an X-Ray on her back to check everything is in order. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to give her a happy and healthy life but figured I would post this on various forums to find out if anyone can shed any light on what the excessive, water like drooling could be? Or if anyone else has experienced this before what was causing it.

It’s strange because she likes to play with her toys, we’ve walked her around the house for 10 minutes without her drooling afterwards, she chases her ball and plays tug-o-war without any problems and then this evening she put up abit of a fight because we had to cut her nails and after this has drooled for hours since. It's frustrating as the vets don't know wat the problem is and we just want her to be OK.

Thanks for reading and I really appreciate any help put forward,

My guy does this on occasion, I’ve talked with my vet about it and he could not find any reason for it. As long as eating, drinking and otherwise normal, we opted to just leave him be when it happens. No other signs of pain or distress