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Apr 18, 2021
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Hello everyone,I am new to this site.I would like to learn as much as I can about French bulldogs.I have been interested in getting one for years now but haven’t taken the leap to get one for a few reasons but mostly due to what I have read about health issues that they are prone too and that many can pass away early on.I know most breeds are prone to health issues and why I decided to join this forum was to find out that although they can be prone do they all have health issues through out their lives? I am aware of dog getting some health issues especially as they get much older and that is to be expected...Has anyone had any Frenchies that were pretty healthy through out most of their lives? I am very interested in this breed for the fact they aren’t too small and not too big,they are playful but laid back,they are comical,fun,they usual love everyone and adapt well to other animals etc....
Hello and welcome.... the best way to get a healthier baby is to find a very good breeder. Most will have one issue or another, but the better the breeding process, the less chance for the issues
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Welcome to the forum! Thank you for doing your research before running out and getting one of these cuties. I cannot attest to your main inquiry about having a healthier French Bulldog, unfortunately. Mine is adopted, but I have her original paperwork from her previous owner's purchase. She is from a show breeder but has numerous health issues. I do have a friend that I've known for 20+ years that purchased her first Frenchie 3 years ago and he seems to be on the healthier side with no issues. It is definitely possible. I agree with 2bullymama - take your time, ask questions of breeders you are interested in. A reputable breeder is going to be one that breeds to the standard. If your heart is not set on a puppy, a great option would be to look for a retired show dog or one retiring from breeding. The dog may be a few years old, but you would definitely know by then if there were allergies, breathing or spine issues, etc...
Welcome to the forum!
My Frenchie is extremely healthy, I think that it’s important to pay attention to where do you get the puppy so as nutrition and vitamins
Let’s see some pictures of the pup? And welcome.