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Bleeding Knuckles


New member
Mar 19, 2014
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My first post. I have a 4 month old frenchie that is the best. Unfortunately, every time we walk on cement, his knuckles on the front paws bleed. His nails are clipped. The Vet tried to bend his two front paws, and the two responded quickly. His back paws were lazier, and even one didn't turn back to normal and he just let it stay bent. She said the possibility is a neurological problem. Has anyone experienced this? Is it possible he will just grow out of it. When we watched him walk, it looked completely normal. He runs, plays, jumps, very active, cuddly, happy pup. Of course I am very worried. Any advice would help or anyone's experience. Thanks!
So what did the vet think? I have no experience with this, so sorry, no help here. I would think if the vet thought it was neurological he would suggest you take him to one. Please keep us posted on his progress.
Ouch, poor baby! i have no experience with this either. sorry.

Please keep us posted as I am curious to know how he is doing and what your outcome is with him growing out of it.

:welcome3: to FBN!!!
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