HELP - Keeping my pup calm when people come over?


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Apr 8, 2019
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Hi everyone! Looking for a little bit of advice for a Frenchie who gets a tiny bit too excited around people and other dogs, and doesn't seem to be able to calm down and just hang out/relax. Chunk is my 2 year old little guy and he's pretty much the perfect baby (even if he's a little stubborn). He recently had his nares/soft palate done and he seems to be doing a little better when it comes to going on walks and being outside, but he still gets worked up really easily whenever he sees people or other dogs. I have to either not have people or other dogs over, not bring him anywhere, or completely separate him once he gets too excited and starts to over heat and have troubles breathing. I'm wondering if anyone has had similar experiences and had any success with CBD or sedation-type products (obviously not like a heavy sedative) that they give their pups before they have people over to keep them a little bit more calm so that they just hang out and not over-exert themselves.

Any suggestions are welcome, I just want my little guy to be able to enjoy having people over without going totally psycho and causing a breathing issue tail-spin.

Have you tried Adaptil? It worked for our bulldog when we need to take her in a car, which she hated. You could also try Benadryl... that could make him a little drowsy
I’ve sometimes filled one of those Kong bobble toys with a bunch of tiny treats to occupy them just after someone arrives and by the time they’re done the treat-getting they’re calm and adjusted to the new person being over.
Chunk is adorable! I have to give me English Bulldog Trazodone when people come over. It eventually knocks him out but I give him a heavier dose due to his size.

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Love that pic of Chunk! I have no advice or experience with this - but looks like you got some good replies and just wanted to say he is so cute and good luck!
Thanks everybody for the help! I ended up getting him trazodone prescribed by his vet. I also got some CBD treats that I'm hoping will work so we can use the trazodone as a kind of last resort, so fingers crossed!
Maybe not as extreme, but Loki also gets very excited when company arrives.

We've taken to lifting him up and holding him when people enter the house and get settled.

Then we carry him over to people for a "controlled hello".

Not perfect, but much better than the previous, chaotic running around.
We don't have too many people over, but mine also gets very excited, especially when my adult son visits. She will jump up on him when he first arrives, but as soon as he sits down, she will just jump up on the chair or couch and sit on the person's lap calmly and go right to sleep.