Help please


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Sep 19, 2019
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My one year old frenchie NOLA, at the beginning of the month had a little bump on her head, within a couple days it was half the size of a small marble. I was treating it with Neosporin and Cortizone.
Sept timber 10th I took her to the vet, they thought it was a bite or mast cell tumor (nothing in between which I personally thought was weird). They gave me steroids and an antibiotic, we play the wait-and-see game..
I took NOLA back into the vet today because the bump is exactly the same, no better no worse and I asked for a biopsy but the doctor was wanting to do surgery to remove the bump. I Am not opposed to surgery but before you cut into my fur child I want to know what the heck is going on. So the vet did the biopsy, looked at it underneath the microscope and said it was infected but no cancer cells that she could see. She also said because there were no cancer cells doesn’t mean it’s not cancer. So my options were to remove the bump or treat the infection, I opted to treat the infection For two more weeks. Nola had a shot of antibiotics, more steroids to take for a week, and fungus pills to cover all bases.
Has anyone else experienced bumps on their frenchies, I’m just so worried that if it is cancer I am not getting it handled right away. But then on the other hand I want to explore all options before cutting into her head.D9655CB2-8E7C-42F4-8F9B-2BEED58B86C4.jpeg

(Sorry if this is painful to read, I’m voice texting on my phone at work )

Any opinions appreciated

Never seen something like that on head ... but depending on your relationship and trust with your vet would help you decide on the route to take. It is a major and stressful decision

I am very lucky to have found a great vet (15 yrs now) that I trust very much... if he wanted it out I would do it.

Lambeau had a tumor on his back between his shoulders, all under skin, our vet said it is not a matter of it being cancerous that I’m concerned about without seeing it under a scope.. he was concerned another location and said .. it has to confirm out. Turned out to be a fatty cell tumor but it could have become a bad situation if it grew into his spine or lungs.

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Thank you for responding. I am happy your situation with Lambeau turned out good!
The only reason I didn't let her cut out the bump is because the needle aspiration biopsy showed infection not cancer. I am obviously second guessing myself otherwise I wouldn't of posted lol. If I don't drive myself crazy with worry I still want to wait a week to see if the medication helps. :scared:
Thank you for responding. I am happy your situation with Lambeau turned out good!
The only reason I didn't let her cut out the bump is because the needle aspiration biopsy showed infection not cancer. I am obviously second guessing myself otherwise I wouldn't of posted lol. If I don't drive myself crazy with worry I still want to wait a week to see if the medication helps. :scared:

Totally understand... I’d be sleeping with one eye open and checking it constantly... see what a week with antibiotics does — sending lots of positive thoughts
[MENTION=2100]Honeys Owners[/MENTION] Any insight?

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I agree with everything said- anytime you see something like a lipoma it pays to get it checked out early because if it is cancerous and caught at an early stage it's a simple surgery, whereas later on you need surgery and either chemo or radiation. There's nothing you can do to prevent lipomas from forming. If growth becomes rapid that's a cause for concern and it should be aspirated again, but I'm not sure how often it needs to be checked otherwise.

In this case if no culture was taken, I would just give NOLA cephalexin or amoxicillin/clavulanic acid antibiotic, and no prednisone. And of course probiotics to prevent diarrhea from the antibiotic.
My bulldog had a bump on the side of the toe for several months that had gotten quite large. I made the vet do a biopsy and it turned out to be an inflamed hystiocytoma. I always freak out when it comes to bumps as you just never know.

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I found pictures of hystiocytoma it kind a looks like that. The one of pictures I posted was after she had scratched off the scab . Now it looks just absolutely horrible because it has a thick scab on it again, worse than before. I had my vet do the needle biopsy and she said she didn’t see cancer just infection. Once I got to work after the vet appointment I started googling and just about gave myself a heart attack LOL. 52CA88F6-C52F-44E5-8BB6-2C814C391FC6.jpeg
I found pictures of hystiocytoma it kind a looks like that. The one of pictures I posted was after she had scratched off the scab . Now it looks just absolutely horrible because it has a thick scab on it again, worse than before. I had my vet do the needle biopsy and she said she didn’t see cancer just infection. Once I got to work after the vet appointment I started googling and just about gave myself a heart attack LOL. View attachment 13452

Yes... don’t google it sends you in a spiral of fear

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Jax had a big histiocytoma on the side of his face several months ago. It took a few weeks but it went away.

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I found pictures of hystiocytoma it kind a looks like that. The one of pictures I posted was after she had scratched off the scab . Now it looks just absolutely horrible because it has a thick scab on it again, worse than before. I had my vet do the needle biopsy and she said she didn’t see cancer just infection. Once I got to work after the vet appointment I started googling and just about gave myself a heart attack LOL. View attachment 13452

Seems strange to give her ketoconazole ( for yeast ) and no antibiotic. And normal dose of ketoconazole is 10-15 mg/kg twice daily short term and 10 mg/kg once daily long term. Also, giving her temeril-p ( prednisone plus trimeprazine ) seems like a bit of overkill.