Hair loss and skin concern, please help!


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Oct 16, 2021
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Hi all, I have two Frenchieā€™s - Harvey (blue brindle age 7) and Frankie (fawn is age 4)

Both have been raw fed since puppies on ā€˜natureā€™s Menu complete, or Paleo Ridge complete.

Both dogs are also vaccinated

I first noticed a balding spot on Frankieā€™s back at the beginning of August, I treated it with ACV, hibiscrub and some flea,tick and mite spray - it grew back relatively quickly too. I noticed also small raised patches of hair, very small but at the time thought it was probably an allergy of walking in some long grass perhaps so treated with a piriton.

By 2nd of week of September, the patches became more prominent and on further inspection, the patches revealed small sore bald spots with flaky crusty edges with darkened follicles. I started to do some research as I reached out on other groups that said it looks like Demodex, sarcoptic, Cheletiella or even Seborrheic dermatitisā€¦. And due to having surgery recently myself, I have been unable to leave the house to get to the vets, up until yesterday.

All the areas affected on Frankie were shaved, so I could treat more effectively and then I noticed the same condition was happening to Harvey, patches across his back but more concentrated on his neck area.

They both have a healthy life style with good immune systems so I started to rule out demodex and looked at other mite strands or even potentially eliminate potential allergies šŸ¤§ - but to happen to both dogs at the same time, itā€™s either a very unlucky allergy concern or a mite/mange concern that has been transferred from one to the other.

I have tried to add the images in order, first video was examining Frankie before shaving the areas. Then the condition progresses for them both. Some images show small patches of hair growing back in the centre of each affected area, that has come quite dark/pigmented in colour on the outer edges, strange I thought. I have purchased various items off Amazon, bathed twice a week, washed all lounge blankets, bedding etc and thought whatever it were, was under control, until I noticed more markings on Frankieā€™s head and leg, I then decided to take them to the vets (yesterday)

Vet: Not knowing, as probably most - they were prescribed Bravecto (1 tablet each) and 7 days of antibiotics - Clavaseptin and I am to take them back for a 2nd appointment on the 25th October to see if there have been any improvements - if not, they will do scrapes.

I then got thinking about the washing detergent I have been using, Persil non-bio, that was new last month so after a little research I have picked up some Fairy non-bio detergent today as many have had zero problems and recommended for safe use for dogs. I may even just hot wash the dog blankets and spray with some natural sprays/oils.

I attached a photo of the shampooā€™s and sprays I have been using and I even bought some borax and hydrogen peroxide to make a solution to eradicate mites/mange but yet to try thisā€¦.. I donā€™t want to do too much, as it may have adverse consequences.

I have seen many posts that look similar - some have said allergies from scrapes, some have said mites.

I have purchased online today a soap shampoo from Oil4dogs Natural which I think Iā€™ll use for the washes during treatment and the next vet visit. I also rub a little diluted ACV or Hibiscrub on the areas too.

Frankieā€™s fur feels very course to the touch, almost artificial feeling, especially around the chest and neck area.

Any advice is gratefully appreciated


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My goodnessā€¦. It looks like staph infection to me. Did the vet mention that at all? If it is they need strong antibiotics for a few weeks and a probiotic

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Thanks for your reply. No the vet did not mention Staphylococcus to me at all. Theyā€™re on antibiotics (Clavasepatin) which Iā€™ve just researched is also used to treat Staph infections. Iā€™m going to ask for some Malaseb shampoo on my next visit, but the vet did mention the shampoos Iā€™m using will be just as effective.

Iā€™m going to email the vet updated images and suggest Staph being the culprit as the images in Google look very similar.

Thanks for your reply. No the vet did not mention Staphylococcus to me at all. Theyā€™re on antibiotics (Clavasepatin) which Iā€™ve just researched is also used to treat Staph infections. Iā€™m going to ask for some Malaseb shampoo on my next visit, but the vet did mention the shampoos Iā€™m using will be just as effective.

Iā€™m going to email the vet updated images and suggest Staph being the culprit as the images in Google look very similar.


Since on antibiotics, be sure to give a probiotic... should be on it regardless but antibiotics reek havoc on the system balance.. keep us posted. I hope it clears up soon

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I have some Pooch and Mutt - Bionic Biotic coming tomorrow from Amazon to get me started, they also have a multivitamin daily, 1tbsp coconut oil and have started giving 1tsp of ACV too.

Any branded probiotics you can recommend?



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I have some Pooch and Mutt - Bionic Biotic coming tomorrow from Amazon to get me started, they also have a multivitamin daily, 1tbsp coconut oil and have started giving 1tsp of ACV too.

Any branded probiotics you can recommend?


Herbsmith Microflora

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