Help with new puppy not wanting to go on walks


New member
Nov 29, 2020
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I have a 13 week old french bulldog and I'm having a few issues with him not wanting to go on walks.

I am able to get him out of the front door with food but he won't move from the drive and stands at the door. I've tried using his treats as well as his favourite toys and he just ignores them. He might move slightly and then he runs back to the door. We are having to pick him up and walk to the grass area at the top of street which even then he doesn't really want to move.

Sometimes now, I will put my coat on and he will run to his crate as it's like he knows we are off on a walk.

I just wondered if someone had a similar experience and could please give me some advice on how they got their french bulldog puppy to move off of the drive.

We have quite a few different harnesses and are using a retractable small lead at the minute.

Another thing we have noticed is that his back legs shake a bit as if he's cold. Is there any recommendations on how to keep him warm in this cold weather? I'm guessing one of them would be for him to be more active but we are struggling a little bit at the minute.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Totally normal for a young puppy. You can put the leash on in the house and let him get used to it. Just leave it on for a bit and let him walk around with it on. Then after a bit, just walk him to the end of the driveway and back, etc.

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