
Nikki & Milo

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Sep 14, 2023
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I have a 2 year old male French Bulldog called Milo. He's a handful with plenty of character and attitude. I have joined to chat with other owners who experience some of the same issues my boy has, paw licking, ear scratching to name a couple.


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Paw licking and itchy at ears paws and other areas are allergies.
Yes Rusty has allergies too, however they have been managed thru good diet and supplements. Rusty’s allergies actually required a vet dermatologist for the severity.

They can also get Yeast issues too which is common with allergy dogs, the carbs in the dog food causes the yeast issues. And low quality food can cause allergies too.
And usually allergies can be helped thru better food and supplement.

Also another thing that can cause allergies is feeding the same Food and protein every day for long time.
Rusty actually developed allergy to pork from eating it 60 days in a row without variety. I now rotate thru every protein he is currently not allergic to to prevent new food allergies.
I highly recommend you also rotate proteins once you know what she isn’t allergic to.

Chicken is the most common food allergy, grains too sometimes.

Raw diet is best if you can and are open to it.

Good kibble brands(these are the most premium);
-Natures logic
-Carna 4

Both brands are synthetic free and have probiotics in it, Natures Logic is easier to find and they have a Sardine formula which is really good for allergies.

Rusty also has been environmental allergies so I also give him Bovine Colostrum supplement which you give 30 minutes BEFORE breakfast in dish by itself and they lick it up, cause it’s better absorbed on empty stomach. I buy the Four Leaf Rover brand bovine colostrum, very helpful. And really good for immune system.

What do you feed him?
I have a 2 year old male French Bulldog called Milo. He's a handful with plenty of character and attitude. I have joined to chat with other owners who experience some of the same issues my boy has, paw licking, ear scratching to name a couple.
Welcome, he is beautiful. He looks really similar to my sweet boy.
Welcome to FBN.... those could be signs of allergies, either food related or environmental. Food could be a number of things, but some things to look at are the brand and the protein ... duck and turkey tend to be less of an allergen so try feeding one of those two in a higher quality kibble or if you are up for it go raw, which is best. Environment allergies... could be soooooo much, but start by wiping paws and belly with a cool wash cloth after each outing to see if it helps lessen the licking