High Liver Enzymes


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2014
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Yesterday, Bambi was diagnosed with very high liver enzymes. She will be 11 on December 30. I haven't seen the numbers yet but will obtain them so I can do more research. Already I have been scouring the internet for information. There are no visible signs, other than the elevated enzymes that appeared in the blood work. She eats a five star food, Brothers Lamb, and takes one Apoquel tablet a day. We took her to the vet yesterday due to ongoing and chronic concerns, and for a general checkup. Her ears have permanently fallen since February. The skin on the edges of her ears is dark brown, leathery and furless. Her fanny area has turned dark and is furless (I believe this to be due to seasonal allergies as it appeared for the first time last April, went away from November - February, and returned again this spring.) Her fur is patchy in places and an area on her leg that was shaved for an IV for a teeth cleaning in February is still bald. What really prompted our vet visit yesterday was that for the past month, she has a decided head tilt, although her ears are clear. Her appetite is very good and regular. We give her a prescription bath (name escapes me without looking), every two weeks. She sleeps a lot, but she always has, and otherwise engages with us or our other dog in mild play. She seems very content. She is my heart dog, my husband's, too.

I'm just wondering if anyone knows about liver disease and what dietary changes could be beneficial. I will start making her food, if that will solve this. Is there anything else you can share? I am hoping the results of the ultrasound won't reveal cancer, but will show something that is treatable with dietary changes, medication, etc. Thank you so much.

UPDATE: just got the numbers from my vet:

GGT: 26
ALT: 339 (was 380 in Feb. 2021)
Hello Mavis,
I have no personal experience with this but hope that you get desirable ultrasound results soon!
I DO remember when doing research for Apoquel for my own dog, I came across some info on Dogsnaturallymagazine.com that indicated elevated liver enzymes with use of Apoquel in some dogs. Wondering if you and your vet may have discussed side effects of Apoquel and if this could be the cause of what you are seeing??
There might be some other posts on here about this issue if you try a search. But yes, my first thought was the Apoquel.

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Thanks, [MENTION=3191]FroxerMom[/MENTION], right now we have the ultrasound scheduled for Thursday, 5/13/21, however, we are hoping to be able to get an appointment sooner. We will discuss Apoquel with our vet at the follow-up discussion. I have a list of questions going to ask them. I am wondering if because of Bambi's age, if it could be her food. I am open to making it if that would benefit her. She had her teeth cleaned in Feb. and several teeth removed. I wonder if that is why her levels have gone down slightly (although still high). Infection can be another cause. Worst part of having animals is when they are sick.
Do keep us posted on Bambi after her appointment on Thursday. I agree, it is so hard when they are sick and you are trying to figure out how to help them!
Just got the results from Bambi's ultrasound this afternoon - good news!!!! I am so relieved, I could cry. Vet actually said "good news," Bambi's liver is fine, no obvious reason for her high levels, adrenal gland is normal, so no Cushings. They recommend two supplements long term, Denamarin and Ursodiol, and to retest bloodwork in three months. We're fine with that and just so happy. John (my husband), has stopped giving her all treats (she would get a little people food several times a day), but honestly, nothing serious. For the past week or so, he's only giving out her regular kibble as treats, and she doesn't mind - she is so food motivated! She seems so bright and peppy.

I can't thank you enough for your concern. I know coming here that all of you can relate and long your pets as equally as we do. Bambi is my angel; I love/have loved all of our dogs, but she is my heart dog. I feel like having a stiff drink! :whew: :rolleyes:
Great news…. Happy she is doing better.