It’s impossible to clip his nails, help


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Dec 18, 2018
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Franco refuses and goes absolutely nuts if we try to clip his nails. The vet attempted to but even with him being food motivated 3 workers and myself couldn’t hold him still, she only got one nail done. Our vet prescribed him something like Xanax to calm him down. Started with the dose recommended, it didn’t faze him. Scared to give him more of the pill. I attempted myself to hold him up on his back legs and put him between my legs and tried my electric nail filer. That didn’t go so well either. What else can I do??? I’m embarrassed of how long they are and feel like a terrible doggie mom. I think the only way to get them done is to get him in a sling type thing with his legs dangling and clip them that way. Is there such a thing? Any tips or ideas welcome!
I would start by massaging his feet/paws while you give him sensational treats. The more you play with his feet while is tired, after a walk or after playtime the better. Get a Dremel tool and turn it on but don’t touch him with it. Again, play with his feet and nails while it is off and on, but away from him. Treats and slow introduction are key. You need to go slow and steady, not aggressive. You will get there. Search this site for the videos on using a Dremel tool. Best of luck.
Franco is about 18 months old ( I think from your other post) so it might be a little more difficult, but I will tell you what I am doing with my puppy. Try to make experiences around the clippers pleasant at first. I am introducing the clippers to my puppy now and just rubbing them on his feet(not using them) and then treating him so that he has a positive association with the clippers. I do the same with cleaning his ears and brushing his teeth. Try to get him comfortable around the tools before using them.
As far as the electric filer, I had one Frenchie that didn’t mind it, but he was really mellow. My other Frenchie would freak out if I turned on the electric kind. Good luck.

Edit - basically what Stuart said.
Great advice given. For Jax, one of us has to hold him and give treats while the other uses the Dremel. For my bulldog, I do them during the week in the morning while he’s still sleeping.

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One of our English Bull Terriers (Sully) was just as bad.

It was a wrestling match each time his nails were clipped at the vet's office, along with a lots of yelping and screaming from Sully.

Invariably, when it was over, we were all covered in dog hair (the vet, his assistant and I).

Never got better, so I have no helpful tips.

It's funny though that very often the vet would look at his hand afterwards and wonder whether the blood was Sully's or his!
I have been introducing the clippers to him and massaging his feet. I’ve never had a dog that was so against it. He’s still not completely okay with touching and rubbing his paws but he is getting better. I actually just ordered a dremel that I saw was recommended on here tonight. My electric nail filer seemed to do better with him than the clippers. It just didn’t work cause it’s not powerful enough. The dremel will be here Thursday so I’ll start introducing it as suggested. Thank you for the tips!
I’m very lucky.. Cheli literally freezes in place till it is over

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I have the same problem with Grummit, he's 7 months old now and I've managed to clip a few nails while he was asleep, one at a time, but he would wake up and freak out. Apart from that, he got them done last week while asleep from his neuter anesthetic. I walk him on rough surfaces when we go out and I have some cement tiles outside, so I'm hoping that will keep them short. But the whole issue of nails has become anxiety provoking for both of us, never had this problem with a dog before and I've had several of them over the years. Thanks for the ideas in this thread... very helpful.
I have no advice as Wally never makes much of a fuss with nail trimming. I can't say he enjoys it but he just sits there. He doesn't fuss too much about anything though. I do wish you luck!!
I am such a wimp, I won't do Bambi's nails (after trying). I'm generally nervous anyway with that stuff, but she makes me even more anxious when she freaks out. Then, you have like a two second window to get the clippers in the right spot and clip the nail. Forget that. My husband takes her to the groomer's; I don't even want to go and hear her. I guess she fusses, but they get it done. They clip them and then dremel them.
My Boxer has to be completed sedated at the vet's office and is going tomorrow morning in fact. I hate that it has to be that way. You have a lot of great advice here - hope you are able to do it without resorting to sedation.