Nature's Logic kibble success!


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Dec 13, 2017
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I just wanted to share our experience in maybe it might help someone else! Stanley has always had a sensitive stomach and has been a pretty picky eater since his back surgery. We had done much trial and error and found ourselves on Fromm Lamb and Lentil for a while. However, the past 3 months, he's increasingly turned up his nose to it. We'd have to coax him to eat, throw additional treats in there, he'd reluctantly get up from his bed to eat it, but clearly wasn't thrilled.

This all came to head when we went to visit my family for Thanksgiving and took Stanley along. His aversion to the food in combination with stress and anxiety turned into a 3-day hunger strike. He would NOT touch the Fromm food at all, even after we returned home. I had my eye on switching to Nature's Logic for a while now, and with the FDA info, our vet had simply suggested "switch to a food with grain, because we just don't know." Nature's Logic seemed a great choice and it does have grains and low on peas/beans which i suspected weren't sitting well with Stan.

Fast forward to now, and Stanley is a NEW DOG. I have NEVER seen him run to his food bowl the way he does now! He loves it, his coat is shiny, no tear stains, ears cleared up, less itchy, all around happy dog. He's been through a lot this past year and I love to see him so content :)
Yay Stanley! Glad you found a food that is working well for him!
Fantastic news!

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great news.... happy little guy now