
New member
Feb 18, 2020
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Im new to this. I just got a 10 week old Frenchy i live in an apartment and, i have his crate in my kitchen with his door open however when its time to go bed he doesnt like to be locked in there with his bed so i leave it open throughout the night. I wake up to pee and poop on my kitxhen floor lol. I leave the puppy pads near the door so he can know to go by the door so i know he needs to go. That isnt working to well lol. I bring him outside 15 mins after he eats in the morning at 830am.

I also just left him in the kitchen with the crate open and puppy pads so i can go to work but i know when i go home there will be pee and poop on my kitchen floor.

What do i do!? Lol im scared. Im a new fur mom. Meet Max.


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He is still quite young, but it’s good that he comes out of the crate to pee and poop.

Is there a way to restrict an area around the crate so the smaller area has pads on the floor?

10 weeks is very young and should not be expected to hold it throughout the night. The general rule of thumb is they can hold it for however many months they are plus 1 hour. And this is just a general guideline so some may be able to hold it longer and some shorter. Are you taking her out every few hours during the night? If not, that is why he is peeing and pooping in the kitchen.

Generally, for potty training you will want to take them out immediately after napping or playing, about 20 minutes after eating or drinking and then every couple of hours. And then give high praise and a high value treat any time you take him out and he pees/poops where you want him to. Consistency and patience is the key. I think generally they are potty trained around 5 or 6 months if you are consistent but again, some might take longer to "get it."
Im new to this. I just got a 10 week old Frenchy i live in an apartment and, i have his crate in my kitchen with his door open however when its time to go bed he doesnt like to be locked in there with his bed so i leave it open throughout the night. I wake up to pee and poop on my kitxhen floor lol. I leave the puppy pads near the door so he can know to go by the door so i know he needs to go. That isnt working to well lol. I bring him outside 15 mins after he eats in the morning at 830am.

I also just left him in the kitchen with the crate open and puppy pads so i can go to work but i know when i go home there will be pee and poop on my kitchen floor.

What do i do!? Lol im scared. Im a new fur mom. Meet Max.


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Welcome to FBN..... puppies will need a lot of training and attention until 1 yr old.. think of them as a toddler. A basic guideline is they need to go potty as follows:

- immediately upon waking and after a play session
- 20 minutes after eating or drinking
- as a pup -- they can only hold their bladder for 1 hour more than they are months old (2 months = 3 hours etc)

It is up to you to set a schedule and provide the structure for them to learn and follow your commands.

Good luck --- Frenchie can be longer to train -- my guy took two full years. Be patient
Brand new to the Frenchie world thanks to my daughter, but having raised several pups I'll share my past experience and how we are going at it with our Frenchie, Duke, who is 9 weeks old tomorrow. All the above information is great. A couple things we do is first, we have a small (Sherpa brand - soft sided ) kennel which is the pups den and they have a comfortable area to create a nest. Barely enough room to turn is perfect as it is a place of calm, rest, and sleep. Too much room can lead to pups being able to pee/poop and get away from it. We leave the pup in there to sleep (2-3 hour duration) to travel in the car, and if we are out and about in public where dogs need to be low-key. The kennel stays by our bedside at night and every couple hours when he stirs, either my wife or myself will get up and let him out to pee. We have had him two weeks now and only a couple times has he gone in the house and like I say to the family, its our fault. Someone has to be watching him if he is free. Its the same as a toddler. Cute, fun, but a lot of work if you are going to instill raising em' right. Second we use a couple wire pen folding gates in the house to set borders if we are letting him loose but not glued to him like a hawk. It limits his ability to roam and contains him to the hard wood floor. And finally when we are gone or need a complete short break, we have a ( IRIS 24'' Exercise 4-Panel Pet Playpen with Door) playpen on the hardwood with soft bed, safe chew toys, and water bowl. Its definitely not his favorite as he cries it out! He is pretty used to being with us, but he needs to learn to survive when he aren't around, and his time alone is pretty infrequent-but gradually has to be built. Good luck in the journey...they don't stay small for long!
Welcome! You received some great advice that I would echo. Frenchies can be difficult to potty train, but as everyone has said so far, consistency is key. Develop a routine so your dog knows what to expect and his body gets into a rhythm, and reward proper potty-ing with high value treats. Trust me, your hard work and dedication right now might be tiresome, but it will be well worth it.