Putting together a good schedule.


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Jun 2, 2015
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So, I'm modifying Bentley's diet. And I figured I would work up a common schedule.
Obviously some weeks will differ. But this will be the basis.
What does everyone think? Anything you would suggest to modify, add, deduct?

Mix the following with 1/2-5/8 cup of dry food (Orijen brand)
Monday: Breakfast: Sliced Apples (Granny Smith) Dinner: Peas and Carrots
Tuesday: Breakfast: Sliced Watermelon Dinner: Plain Yogurt
Wednesday: Breakfast: Sliced Apples (Granny Smith) Dinner: Peas and Carrots
Thursday: Breakfast: Sliced Watermelon Dinner: Plain Yogurt
Friday: Breakfast: Berries (variety) Dinner: Green Beans
Saturday: Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs Dinner: Boiled Chicken
Sunday: Breakfast: Pumpkin Dinner: Brown Rice

Thank you.
I have read and heard that fruit can be yeasty because of all the sugar it has even though it is natural sugar. I used to give Jax fresh fruit every day but he has itchy skin so now it is just an occasional treat. But I guess if you don't have any issues then it would be okay but I am not an expert.
I have read and heard that fruit can be yeasty because of all the sugar it has even though it is natural sugar. I used to give Jax fresh fruit every day but he has itchy skin so now it is just an occasional treat. But I guess if you don't have any issues then it would be okay but I am not an expert.

Don't notice any issues with the sugar at this time. I did read that the sour fruits actually help with tear stains. Even though he is a dark blue frenchie if I don't clean his eye folds daily they will develop staining. So hopefully this will help a little.

- - - Updated - - -

Can I come over for meals :D

Sure! Bentley doesn't mind sharing. ��
I give my babies a half a banana everyday for breakfast. No problems with yeast.

Plus strawberries, blueberries, and watermelon for treats.
Have you given him all of these foods in the past? My only concern would be that if he has an upset tummy or allergic reaction to something, it may be hard to determine the culprit. If he has had all of these foods before with no issues, then I say go for it!
He's so darn cute. Oh and for tear stains, filtered water may help.
Have you given him all of these foods in the past? My only concern would be that if he has an upset tummy or allergic reaction to something, it may be hard to determine the culprit. If he has had all of these foods before with no issues, then I say go for it!
He's so darn cute. Oh and for tear stains, filtered water may help.

Only things he hadn't was yogurt, green beans and blue berries. But I've already done the yogurt and he loves it. No issues. And I've given him a couple blue berries with no issues. So the green beans is all that's left.
As for the water... He only gets filtered water.
Sounds good to me, if fact I may want to come to dinner too. :)
So, we never really had problems with watermelon... But this week Bentley seems to not like it in his food (but will destroy it seperately)… and when he eats it sometimes he will vomit a substance of what I've heard called "frenchie foam".
So I have modified his schedule as follows. Again this may change over time or with special occasions or similar situations.


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I home cook for ours. Typically, it is chicken but sometimes I switch off to beef. (I am finding the beef seems to upset their stomachs) I am feeding 4, so I do chicken thighs in a crock pot until the bones fall out. I usually add some ground chicken or turkey which I cook on the stovetop and add veggies ( carrots, peas, black eye peas, etc). I used to cook the rice separately but I have started just dumping it in the crockpot and letting it cook in all the chicken broth after I take the meat out. I put the mix into plastic containers and store in the fridge or freezer. They get 1/2 cup Blue Buffalo and 1/2 cup of the mix for dinner. I will add either coconut oil or yogurt every other day. For whatever reason, I've never done fruit with them much except for bananas and stawberries.
What kind of pumpkin do you use?
It all sounds good :) You could also replace some of the fruits with veggies if you want to. Especially cruciferous or anything green & leafy is great for them.
I home cook for ours. Typically, it is chicken but sometimes I switch off to beef. (I am finding the beef seems to upset their stomachs) I am feeding 4, so I do chicken thighs in a crock pot until the bones fall out. I usually add some ground chicken or turkey which I cook on the stovetop and add veggies ( carrots, peas, black eye peas, etc). I used to cook the rice separately but I have started just dumping it in the crockpot and letting it cook in all the chicken broth after I take the meat out. I put the mix into plastic containers and store in the fridge or freezer. They get 1/2 cup Blue Buffalo and 1/2 cup of the mix for dinner. I will add either coconut oil or yogurt every other day. For whatever reason, I've never done fruit with them much except for bananas and stawberries.
What kind of pumpkin do you use?

Canned pumpkin (pie filling) just make sure it's the one that is ONLY pumpkin. A lot of then have sugars and other added stuff.
Canned pumpkin (pie filling) just make sure it's the one that is ONLY pumpkin. A lot of then have sugars and other added stuff.

It's not the pie filling... That's the one to avoid :(

It's the pure pumpkin :)
It's not the pie filling... That's the one to avoid :(

It's the pure pumpkin :)

The one I got is 100% pumpkin. Nothing else.
Here's a picture of the can.
