RIP my sweet girl


New member
Aug 13, 2013
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Well, she wasn't a Frenchie, but my 13 year old Pekingese passed away 3 days ago. I haven't even been able to tell anyone or talk about it. She was perfectly fine that morning, my husband and I left. He went to Lowes and got back before me and found her in the hallway dead. The vet said it was probably a heart attack or something along those lines. She had her teeth cleaned a few months ago and I had bloodwork done, and xrays of her hips and shoulders because of her arthritis. We figured we would do the xrays while she was out for her dental. Anyway, I snapped an xray of her heart also and it looked fine, bloodwork looked good, heart sounded good, even her teeth were in great shape for her age. I am shocked and so heartbroken that I can't even explain. My other dog is older, diabetic, blind, arthritic, etc. I never would have expected to loose her before him. I don't even think it has really set in yet that she is gone. That morning I took her out she ran around like always, came in and ate all her breakfast, I sat in the floor and played with her a bit. She barked and ran to the treat cabinet wanting a treat, so I gave her one. I snuggled with her for a while. She was totally normal. I guess we just never know. :(
I am so so sorry for your loss! It is terrible to loose a fur baby.
I bet she had a great life though and you can be happy she obviously didnt suffer and had a good last day without weeks of pain and medication.
Once again I am sorry :(
Oh, so sorry for your loss, [MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION]. I can't imagine the pain you're going through. It's totally cliché, but this is just a reminder of how precious each and every moment we have on this planet is. Hug your dog, hug your partner, hug your friend and be thankful for each other. Sending hugs and positive energy your way. XXXOOO.
I am so so sorry for your loss! It is terrible to loose a fur baby.
I bet she had a great life though and you can be happy she obviously didnt suffer and had a good last day without weeks of pain and medication.
Once again I am sorry :(

My condolences to you and yours, sounds Iike ShuShu had a great Iife and was surrounded by Love - wish I were there to hug you Please hug each other for me
I am so very sorry for your loss. It sounds like you gave your baby had a long, wonderful life! Hugs.
:hug: so very sorry for your loss. Rest in peace sweet ShuShu.
So sorry you lost her, but the bright side is that she didn't seem to suffer. I hope Clayton continues to do OK without her.
I'm so sorry for your loss ((hugs)).
So very sorry for your loss! It is so hard losing a loving pet. I'm sure she had a great life.
I am so very sorry for your loss, mu Pug at 14 went much the same way he went out in the sun and was perfectly fine went to check him and he was still warm but gone and they take part of our heart with them when they go.
Thank you so much everyone. I still have only told 2 people (other than my immediate family that live here of course). I just can't bring myself to talk about it without crying. She will be missed and always in my heart. I really feel like a piece of me is missing. I know it will get better with time. Thank you again everyone for your kind comments. I knew you guys would understand, which is why I shared it with you.

Oh, and Clayton is seemingly fine. He is happy no matter what is going on. They weren't that close despite living together forever. ShuShu was pretty mean to him and if he got within a foot of her, she would run him off. LOL! She was quite the little firecracker. She was a love bug to me and my family, but own her own terms. So funny how dogs all have their own personality. Clayton is about twice as big as she was, but she was NO DOUBT in charge around here.
Aw, Melody, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know words can never make you feel 100%, and I know it's so hard loosing a baby. :girlcry:

Our thoughts are with you through this difficult time!!
So sorry for your loss, I know it is never easy loosing a family member.
Thank you guys. It will just take time I suppose.
I'm so sorry for your loss :(. RIP ShuShu xxoo :hug:

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Sending all my love to you and your husband (and other dog) [emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji173]️[emoji120][emoji120][emoji120]
Frenchie or not she was your baby and we ALL. understand the love of a dog here. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss. May you find peace soon. Take care.