
Jan 27, 2014
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I can't believe my sweet baby went to heaven
He was only 14 months old :(
I think it was the right decision!
He had a brain deformity and as a consequence he had horrendous head aches
Inflammation and pain;
As I'm writing this my tears run down my face and I the only thing I have to do is to give thanks to the the lord for the time I have with Rex

So sorry for your loss, but he is pain free now. May he rest in peace with the other sweet babies.
I'm so sorry, he will always be your baby! You made the decision that was best for him, not you! That is being a true animal lover and selfless person. God Bless!
I am so sorry for your loss, but he is now pain free.

If you haven't already, you should inform the breeder of his condition.
Thank you so much for your kind words !
I spoke to the breeder when this happened and she gave me an English Bulldog. I didn't know this till it was time to get her fix!
Now this puppy has pulmonic stenosis and she's going to die soon too :(
She (the breeder knows this) told me to give Raven back to her
and she will replace her with other puppy
I don't want another puppy from her;
My heart is broken
The vet said that we should put her down but she looks and feels healthy to me and my husband
My husband is a surgeon and he knows and believe me I will never let her be in any pain!!!!
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, but your T-Rex is pain free and having fun at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other pups!
That breeder sounds like one to be avoided at all costs.
I'm so sorry for your loss. May your sweet baby run free over the rainbow bridge.
What a terrible breeder too! So awful.
:tissue: so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby, Rex. May he be happy and pain free with all our babies at the bridge.
Aw poor Rex. That is a terrible thing to read about!

What a scummy breeder! I'm so sorry you're going through this!

For the pulmonic stenosis... Surgery isn't an option? And long term treatment? It's not a reason for putting a dog down unless they developed congestive heart failure and even then, it's expensive but usually manageable for a period of time...

Sending all my love!

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So sad. I'm very sorry for your loss, and your experiences with that terrible breeder.
Hi blushy,
We drove to the university of Washington ( 8 hours away from my house) at the cardiology department
They did all the test and they explain to me that her heart was so damage that they couldn't do anything for her :(
They were surprised that she was alive !
She's eating good food and she's very much loved ❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss and it breaks my heart to hear what a terrible experience you are going through with that "breeder"
Hang in there. Sending loads of positive thoughts to that direction :angelheart:
Oh my gosh..I'm so sorry!

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Karla - I'm so sorry for your loss! Just so horrible, but your baby is pain free!
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your T Rex was darling. I'm sure you did the right thing and ended his suffering. My thoughts are with you. I just lost my Loki boy at 14 months, I feel your pain.
I am so sorry for your loss. I've lost two of my dogs in the past year. Sending love your way!