Smelly puppy


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Apr 5, 2017
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Hey guys! Now that the pup is home I have a quick question.

When we picked her up from the breeder she'd been given a bath with what smelled like a medicated shampoo. She smelled fairly neutral. The backyard is pretty muddy (just had a fence put in) so she's been going outside and romping around. She now smells very 'doggy' and fishy. I wouldn't say it's extremely bad, but it's definitely not pleasant. Kind of smells like she rolled in fish. I tried to wipe her with baby wipes but it didn't make a difference. Last night I gave her a quick bath with some sensitive skin oatmeal shampoo and it did absolutely nothing. I noticed she's dragging her bum a bit and what I assume is trying to lick it (just not flexible enough) - could this be an anal gland issue? This is my first dog so I'm not sure if this is normal or not.
Anal gland scent is very unpleasant and that's what you could be smelling. If she is dragging her bum her anal glands could be bothering her. Do you have a vet appointment coming up? I would have him/her check her out and I would also consider changing her food. Ideally the right food will express the glands themselves.
Agree with [MENTION=600]Jakeyjake[/MENTION]. It sounds like it could be anal gland issue. Have your vet check it out if you have an upcoming appointment.

What are you feeding and how is her stool?
Hey Jakeyjake - thanks for the input. Yes, it's not a pleasant smell. I noticed she'll sit on the concrete outside and 'hop' her bum along a bit. She had her first check-up yesterday - I wish I'd known to ask. The breeder had her on Royal Canin and I am switching her over to Acana. Her stools have already firmed up considerably and she's getting half and half right now so I hope I continue to see improvement. I tried to 'gently' express them myself using online instructions and some light brownish liquid came out. I'm hoping that the food switch might solve the issue. She's got another appointment next week for boosters so I'll ask when I'm there if it hasn't gotten any better.

[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] - I responded at the same time you were writing your post. :) She pooped when we picked her up at the breeder and it was very soft and goopy. Her first few stools at home were the same - like chocolate soft serve. The last few seem to be firming up considerably and actually look like firmer darker stools that I can pick up and throw away with a poop bag. She grunts a little when she's going but again I don't know if that's normal or if she's uncomfortable.
RC is not a good food so that is great that you are doing a switch. And Acana is a good food so you should definitely see improvement. If she starts going regular, firm poops, the glands should express themselves.

But definitely mention it to the vet when you go next week!
I agree with everyone here; sounds like anal glands especially if you are getting brown stuff when you try to express yourself. I tried it also after youtubing, however, I couldn't get the hang of it. She closed up tighter than a drum when I attempted it and I didn't want to force it. For us, it was something best left to the professionals.

We feed Bambi Acana and haven't had a problem. I don't think Frenchies are a breed that has a doggie smell. Bambi has no smell.
My dog has a bit of a smell, I think because she is a bit yeasty and very allergenic.

It may help to bathe your dog weekly with an antiseptic antifungal shampoo like ketohex or curaseb and combine 2 to 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 quart of water to make a post-bath rinse. It also helps deodorize the dog if you give them some coconut oil to eat. I would definitely try to avoid expressing anal glands manually since you don't want dog needing that intervention regularly. Try giving her 2 tsps/day canned plain pumpkin to add fibre to the stool. If that doesn't work you can try buying metamucil powder and rehydrating that with bone broth or coconut water.
My dog has a bit of a smell, I think because she is a bit yeasty and very allergenic.

It may help to bathe your dog weekly with an antiseptic antifungal shampoo like ketohex or curaseb and combine 2 to 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 1 quart of water to make a post-bath rinse. It also helps deodorize the dog if you give them some coconut oil to eat. I would definitely try to avoid expressing anal glands manually since you don't want dog needing that intervention regularly. Try giving her 2 tsps/day canned plain pumpkin to add fibre to the stool. If that doesn't work you can try buying metamucil powder and rehydrating that with bone broth or coconut water.

Hi! Thank-you so much for this suggestion. I contacted a local groomer and she gave me the same suggestion. She said pups this young should not need it and it could be due to diarrhea from stress, vaccinations, etc. and that doing it once typically means it must manually be done in the future, so to try to avoid it. She also suggested trying the pumpkin puree in her food which I'm going to do. Her stool this morning was much better again - much firmer - and the 'fishy' smell seems to be subsiding a bit.

I'm going to try to find a Canadian supplier of KetoHex shampoo.
Buy the ketohex shampoo from , it will ship to Canada if you live here and of course it ships to US if you live there
Hey guys, a follow up on this one!

After consulting with a vet and groomer it seemed her anal glands were fine.

Turns out she had a chicken allergy. We have switched her foods and no more smelliness, and her coat is beautiful and soft now.
Hey guys, a follow up on this one!

After consulting with a vet and groomer it seemed her anal glands were fine.

Turns out she had a chicken allergy. We have switched her foods and no more smelliness, and her coat is beautiful and soft now.

Excellent news!
Hey guys, a follow up on this one!

After consulting with a vet and groomer it seemed her anal glands were fine.

Turns out she had a chicken allergy. We have switched her foods and no more smelliness, and her coat is beautiful and soft now.

Great news! Happy you found the cause

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