vomit and diarrhea AFTER starting Giardia treatment


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Jan 6, 2021
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my puppy is 14 weeks and already received one round of Giardia treatment last month. he had no adverse reaction the first time. unfortunately, test still showed positive and we just started him on 2nd round. Vet increased the dosage because he grew a few pound since last month. He started vomit, loose stool and low energy because of that (he was normal before the treatment except for blood in stool so vomit and diarrhea is new). i will give him a bland diet during treatment. is this expected/normal during Giardia treatment because of antibiotics side effect?

i did called vet and the assistant told his 2nd test is worse (he is shredding eggs vs. 1st time it only showed antigen). the vomit may be from the antibiotics working on eliminating the parasite but make his GI more sensitive from the treatment?
What is the current treatment? I’ve dealt with giardia a couple times and always gave Panacur and it cleared up with no issues.

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What is the current treatment? I’ve dealt with giardia a couple times and always gave Panacur and it cleared up with no issues.

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panacur and Flagyl same time. he is nauseous from the treatment. still vomit a little but diarrhea has subside
panacur and Flagyl same time. he is nauseous from the treatment. still vomit a little but diarrhea has subside

Both at the same time seems to be a little much but I’m not a vet. It’s usually one or the other.

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My puppy is 12 weeks old and had similar symptoms and reaction, the bland diet seem to make him worse too. I then spoke to the breeder I got him from and she recommended to buy some canned pumpkin (sell it in Asda - world food aisle) and put him back on his normal food and mix a few spoonfuls of pumpkin in with his food daily this worked a treat and he has been fine since.
How is your boy now... any better?

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