We found our way to the French side of Bulldog World - Hiiii!


New member
Nov 10, 2021
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Hi Everyone! We are happy to be here with our fellow frenchy brothers and sisters. Allow me to introduce my new baby boy Ian Wentworth Carlisle. He is about to turn 6 months old on November 15th and we are so in love with him. He's a wild child but he's learning as he grows to calm down and relax a bit more. He loves to go outside and chew on sticks and bring them inside lol what a sight to see because sometimes the sticks are bigger than him. He's very playful and very brave, not even our cat scares him when he lets him know he does not want to play. Ian just keeps on trying. Of course he puts everything in his mouth but he's learning to 'give it' and 'leave it' now. He learned hi five and give paw pretty quickly so he's a very smart boy.

I was a mom to two English Bulldogs previously and after losing them I was given an opportunity to add a french bully to my family so here I am. I miss my sweet babies every day but having Ian helps me to get through the days and it's nice to still have a puppy to love and who will love me in return.

2021 November 10 Ian in new shirt.jpg
Hello handsome boy, Welcome to FBN

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Welcome! I did not realize you lost Nigel…so sorry for your loss. Frenchie are a fun breed!

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He is such a cutie pie and getting big. I remember when you first brought him home and he was so little. :heart:
Welcome - I'm glad he is bringing you some joy after losing your companions.
Welcome to the forums! I'm new around here too.