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Accident in the shower


New member
Aug 11, 2013
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My name is Anastasia, and I have a 6 year old male Frenchie named Jimmy. I used a dramatic title for this post, because I'm very worried.

Home from our Sunday ritual of a walk in the park and quick stop for water (for him) and coffee (for me), Jimmy ignored his food and followed me into the bathroom and jumped into the tub. I thought it was cute and unusual. I turned on the water for him - he was panting pretty hard. Then he got out. I dried him off. Panting still heavy, he jumped back in by himself. That never happened before. I sat with him a while - a long while for him (10 min?) then he jumped out and I dried him. I went to get a coffee - he jumped back in. Now it wasn't cute, it was weird. Sat again, about 5 min - wrapped him in a fresh towel and brought him up to the attic to sit with me - sort of swaddled in the towel with the AC and a small fan on him. We sat there until his breathing slowed down (5 min)

I got up and grabbed a treat - worried now - and said that if he didn't take the treat we were going straight to Quakertown Vet.

He ate it.

He was coaxed by another treat to come downstairs, which he did heavily and awkwardly. He went straight to the kitchen and ate his food.

The walk was not challenging or long, and the weather is mild - slightly cool. Maybe he needed water before the drive to the coffee place and was just dehydrated.

We'll try the normal walk tomorrow, but if he does the shower thing again I'm taking him to Qtown - the best and most expensive vet in my area. I'd have Qtown do X-rays and bloodwork. If something's wrong I'm going to catch it. Worry #1 is his lungs, worry #2 is his heart.

Even though he's fine now, that was SO strange - skipping his food for the shower - and not being able to get enough of the shower, which he usually doesn't like that much. Unless its a very hot and humid day. Today was not hot or humid.

If you have any insights, suggestions or comments, please post them as soon as you can.

Thank you very much.
The only thing that comes to mind is he go too hot, either on the walk or in the car. Maybe give him more water on the walks to see if that helps.
I was thinking the same thing. Pickle will belly-slide on the tile floor downstairs when she's hot, if you have a porcelain tub, it might feel good. Are you in Quakertown, PA? (I live in Dublin) It definitely didn't seem too hot on Saturday here,...Could he have gotten into something itchy or stingy and wanted a rinse?
I am thinking the same as David.... just too hot. Even though it was nice here in Montco PA on Saturday... too long in the sun just really kicks their butts. Cheli is very dark brindle and even 10 mins in the sun is way too much for him

Please keep us posted and hopefully it is just too much sun

My name is Anastasia, and I have a 6 year old male Frenchie named Jimmy. I used a dramatic title for this post, because I'm very worried.

Home from our Sunday ritual of a walk in the park and quick stop for water (for him) and coffee (for me), Jimmy ignored his food and followed me into the bathroom and jumped into the tub. I thought it was cute and unusual. I turned on the water for him - he was panting pretty hard. Then he got out. I dried him off. Panting still heavy, he jumped back in by himself. That never happened before. I sat with him a while - a long while for him (10 min?) then he jumped out and I dried him. I went to get a coffee - he jumped back in. Now it wasn't cute, it was weird. Sat again, about 5 min - wrapped him in a fresh towel and brought him up to the attic to sit with me - sort of swaddled in the towel with the AC and a small fan on him. We sat there until his breathing slowed down (5 min)

I got up and grabbed a treat - worried now - and said that if he didn't take the treat we were going straight to Quakertown Vet.

He ate it.

He was coaxed by another treat to come downstairs, which he did heavily and awkwardly. He went straight to the kitchen and ate his food.

The walk was not challenging or long, and the weather is mild - slightly cool. Maybe he needed water before the drive to the coffee place and was just dehydrated.

We'll try the normal walk tomorrow, but if he does the shower thing again I'm taking him to Qtown - the best and most expensive vet in my area. I'd have Qtown do X-rays and bloodwork. If something's wrong I'm going to catch it. Worry #1 is his lungs, worry #2 is his heart.

Even though he's fine now, that was SO strange - skipping his food for the shower - and not being able to get enough of the shower, which he usually doesn't like that much. Unless its a very hot and humid day. Today was not hot or humid.

If you have any insights, suggestions or comments, please post them as soon as you can.

Thank you very much.

How's Jimmy today?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
How scary, is everything back to normal now?
That is scary! I hope the little feller is okay now. When we go on short trips I try to keep a baggie of frozen green beans or ice cubes with me. She loves them and it helps to cool her off.
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