

New member
Aug 28, 2013
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My 1 year old French Bulldog has been to the vet a couple of times due to rashes she gets. Without doing testing, the vet is thinking that it's seasonal allergies. She prescribed Betagen Topical Spray to help with the itching and recommended giving her zyrtec once a day. Her allergies seem to come and go but sometimes they get pretty bad. Last night she was itching all night, which makes the rash much worse. I put a shirt on her today to prevent her from making it worse with the itching.

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on what they do for their frenchie's allergies? I don't mind giving her drugs for a short period of time to help but I can't keep using them forever!
Poor girl! Have you read the article on allergies yet?

I would get a blood test done, just to find out exactly what she may be allergic to. It could even be an ingredient in her food. I see you are feeding Fromm so that's great, but depending on the one you are feeding it could be an allergy to one of the ingredients.

You may want to keep a notebook on what's going on when she has flare ups. Did she have any treats, what was the weather like, any flea treatments used, any stress in the home, any new cleaning products used, what food she ate.

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Poor girl! Have you read the article on allergies yet?

I would get a blood test done, just to find out exactly what she may be allergic to. It could even be an ingredient in her food. I see you are feeding Fromm so that's great, but depending on the one you are feeding it could be an allergy to one of the ingredients.

You may want to keep a notebook on what's going on when she has flare ups. Did she have any treats, what was the weather like, any flea treatments used, any stress in the home, any new cleaning products used, what food she ate.
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This is great advice....
I have had my EBs tested for allergies and it is so worth it because it takes the guesswork out of it. Turned out both of them had really bad food allergies and the results helped me find a food they could both eat! I had been feeding them food they were allergic to!
Thank you everyone for the advice! Keeping a log would be a great idea. Her rash has started to clear up so I'm hoping I don't have to make another vet trip for allergies. If it continues after allergy seasons then I will have to get her tested.

Since the rash seems to come in go.. is it still possible that it's from the food? My thought would be that it would be constant if it was food related but I really have no idea.
Laundry soap/Fabric softener are often skin allergy causes.
You can give regular Benadryl for itching
Thank you everyone for the advice! Keeping a log would be a great idea. Her rash has started to clear up so I'm hoping I don't have to make another vet trip for allergies. If it continues after allergy seasons then I will have to get her tested.

Since the rash seems to come in go.. is it still possible that it's from the food? My thought would be that it would be constant if it was food related but I really have no idea.

Getting her on the best diet for her will help build up her immune system, so food can play a big role in allergies. Even if she's not allergic to a particular food ingredient. Since you are on Fromm I would just try a different protein and see how she reacts but stick with that food for now, it's one of the best.

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