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Belated greetings to you all


New member
May 28, 2024
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I joined the forum yesterday but my manners fell by the wayside in neglecting to introduce myself. I just jumped in to chatting about my little dote and comparing notes with some of you who are coping with the same issues as I am. Ah well, my intentions were good ;)
Anyway, I have a little frenchy who is 2.5 yrs old now, he came to me as a retirement gift when he was about 11 weeks and has managed to take over my life in every imaginable way. He makes me laugh every day with his antics and cry every day with his health issues but every time he climbs up on my lap for a cuddle and gives me one of those gentle little "kisses", I resolve to make his life as comfortable and itch free as I can.
I am lucky to come from a family of vets and have learned a lot from them over the years but I make sure to take him to his own vet for all his needs. He's a typical "terrible twos" little boy, relentlessly into everything.......he has "eaten" 3 long-handled broom and dustpan sets, cardboard of every kind, the upholstery off 6 diningroom chairs, but worst of all.......he tries to kill the vacuum cleaner every time it appears and can't be deterred so far. If I put him in his crate while I try to clean, he gets into such a state that he's hysterical! He can learn everything that suits him but the vacuum is his greatest ambition so far! Anyway, I've blathered on enough but I'd just like to say thank you all for letting me join in here and send you kindest wishes from Ireland.
Welcome to FBN! The vacuum is the Frenchie nemesis 😂😂😂. My two attack it as well… Cheli is 13 yrs old and has done it from the day we got him at 8 months old
Belated greetings again....I didn't see your lovely message until just now. Thanks so much for sharing your vacuuming experiences with me, it doesn't help me to clean the house but I'm going to blame myself a little less now after hearing from you! I'm still trying to help him stop freaking out over it so wish me luck in my battle with the dust mites! It was so nice to hear from you,, thanks again. J.
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