Thank you both so much. These past few days have been crazy and rough. Draco ended up having to stay until the late afternoon the next day, so he was almost there for 48 hours, some of the hardest few hours in my life. He was on IVs and anti-nausea for his throwing up on Sunday, and then I was told an X-Ray would be taken and if it was fine he could come home. The X-Ray showed a possible partial obstruction so he had to wait until the next day to get an ultrasound, not able to eat until then. The ultrasound revealed no obstruction just a very severe case of gastroenteritis, the doctor does not know why it came on all of the sudden but his bacterial infection has something to do with it. Now we have an appointment in 2 weeks for an internal medicine specialist in the hospital, and Draco is on a tremendous amount of meds. I canceled the holistic doctor for tomorrow, I really wanted to see some natural ways I could help him but right now he's on so much stuff I don't want to add anything else and possibly mess it up. Throughout his time with blood in his stool, he very rarely had diarrhea, most of the time it was pretty normal firmness but he has gone poop once since he's gotten home and it was very watery diarrhea with blood. I am hoping it's just because he had so much of the IV fluids, he has been peeing like crazy since he got home so hopefully, it will get better. And I really hope the other specialist will be able to help him, it is getting so frustrating, I feel like he can never just live a normal life and have fun, this has been going on for 1/2 of his life, and the majority of his time with us. I am not sure why his bacterial infection is so resistant to antibiotics, we've tried so many different kinds, I'm not sure what is next for us.