Ccino is here~


New member
Nov 25, 2013
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Hi all! My name is Danie and I have a frenchie named Ccino (it's short for cappuccino). >.<
He was a gift from a cousin, and is now 9 months old. He's likes sleeping in front of his own small electric fan, all spread out on the floor with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. I love him to bits~

This was him the first day we took him home last September.
Photo 9-21-13, 3 39 15 PM.jpg

My sis loves taking pics of him looking all cuddly. :)
Photo 11-5-13, 10 55 22 AM.jpg
Hello from Kim and Piper in Canada!
Hi and welcome. Your boy is a little cutie!

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Hello and :welcome3: to FBN!!

What a great looking little Frenchie...
Welcome to the site and your baby is too cute.