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Crazy Snoring!


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Feb 18, 2014
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Hello Everyone, I am a first time Frenchie owner and did a lot of research before adopting my little Stella Bella! I know that Frenchies are known for their snoring, but I have to be honest, I have never heard anything like it. She has been to the vet and everything is great, but I am still a little worried. I tried to attach a video for you to listen to, but couldn't make it happen! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
:smileywelcome: Welcome Kristi and Stella. How old is Stella? I know my EBs' snoring gets louder as they age, usually starts at around 6 yrs.

Snoring can mean an elongated palate, so ask your vet to check for that next time you take her in!

We'd love to see some pictures of Stella!
Hello Alice - thank you for the warm welcome. I see you are from Oregon, I actually grew up in Grants Pass! I have learned so much from this forum, but this was my first post. Stella has been to the vet many times, but I did not ask them about elongated palate. When we adopted her she had horrible ear infections and a UTI, so I think they were worried about getting those all fixed up! She is getting spayed next week, so I will definitely have them check for that. I appreciate your advice.

Below are some pictures of our little Stella (she was named after my son's favorite book Stella Luna - because he thought she looked like a bat). We call her Tinky Tella though because she likes to toot!
Tinky Tella.webpStellaXmas.webp
Hello Alice - thank you for the warm welcome. I see you are from Oregon, I actually grew up in Grants Pass! I have learned so much from this forum, but this was my first post. Stella has been to the vet many times, but I did not ask them about elongated palate. When we adopted her she had horrible ear infections and a UTI, so I think they were worried about getting those all fixed up! She is getting spayed next week, so I will definitely have them check for that. I appreciate your advice.

Below are some pictures of our little Stella (she was named after my son's favorite book Stella Luna - because he thought she looked like a bat). We call her Tinky Tella though because she likes to toot!
View attachment 2380View attachment 2381
Mmmmmm, another pied wonder :) Sometimes they require surgery because the soft tissue will continue to stretch from the effort to get air and it actually strangles them. Yup, need an expert opinion, one from a vet who is familiar with French Bulldogs and other Brachycephalic dogs. Sometimes as the pup grows the snoring eases because they grow into the skin as the palate and head grow. The specialist I saw told me 8-9 months before they evaluate. Watch her for itching. I see in the one photo she's pink around the nose/mouth and inside her ears, that's how it all started for us. She's adorabull but of course I'm Pied Prejudice. :yes: :welcome:
I'm thinking she could have an elongated palate. Find a good bully vet and have it checked. Hazel doesn't make a sound when she sleeps, and Hillary will snore a little bit every once in awhile, but not much. They both sleep in our bedroom in their crates and don't bother us.
Kristi, your "Tinky Tella" is adorable! I love those ears! As far as the tinky part, food makes a big difference.
hello and :welcome3: to FBN! My boy is a 22 pound earthquake... even after palate surgery. he needed the procedure in order to address sleep apnea issues, which have lessened, but his snoring still rocks the house

How old is Stella?
Awww, look at that beautiful little girl!!! Love her coloring!! :)

Leo has some snoring issues too, but it's not all the time. He mostly does it if he is lying in a certain position, or dreaming/sleeping heavily..... I made a recording of it the other night and my husband and I couldn't stop laughing!
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