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Cuts where hair isn't growing back.

Will Powerr

New member
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Just wondering if anyone know any remedies on how Yoda can help grow his hairs back on 2 spots he has cuts on. One cut looks like a scar and the previous owner said he has had it for a few months now. And one is a pink cut from scratching it. I put neosporin on it as much as I can. I would like to know if anyone has any other methods of helping his hair grow back on those spots.

Thanks from Yoda & I.

I tagged Lisa and also moved this to the health section to get more traffic and response for user..... have you had a skin scrape done to ensure it is not mange?
I'm not sure of any product that will promote hair growth on a cut or sore. If it is scared, it may never grow back.
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] Thanks for moving the thread. Well I'm confident it's not mange because before I took him home. The previous owner just had him checked out by the vet.

Well yeah the front one is a scar but the back one is like fresh from always scratching it bc of his allergies. Well it's no biggy if it doesn't. He's turning 7 and the scar just gives him character. Was just looking for a possible solution. So he looks as good in his later years.

We will see how things turn out a few months from now. It might grow or might not. We will keep a good eye on it.
It almost looks like a bacterial infection in the photos, I would have him seen by a vet to be sure.

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Oh for real. Yeah I should just go see the vet. I'll post back up with the results.

Please do, it reminds me of a staph infection, especially the one going down the foot. Let us know how how he is doing.

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Oh for real. Yeah I should just go see the vet. I'll post back up with the results.

Hi Dan, how is Yoda doing? Any news? Now that I am seeing it on my PC it even looks more like staph infection since I can see the photos larger.
Hi Dan, how is Yoda doing? Any news? Now that I am seeing it on my PC it even looks more like staph infection since I can see the photos larger.

Yes we diddd. I'm glad. I was really worried. But it does look worst on the photos lol. But it is nothing major. It was just due to his allergies and that he was scratching it too much. Since he was already on meds before he came home to me. I was just given this shampoo called Ketochlor. Now that I looked more into it. I had taken a picture of his cuts the first day I took him and compared it today which is 2 week this Saturday, it was even worst. And now I see some strands of hair growing. His hair on his chest is growing back.

Funny thing is. I was walking Yoda today and as I was walking down the block. I see this guy carrying a fawn colored Frenchie like a baby. And I yelled out, wow he looks just like my guy. I come up to say hi, he looks at Yoda and first thing he ask was "is he de-wormed?". "Yeah he just had a check up 3 weeks ago". Then he just spontaneously says, "OK follow me". I'm like ummmm ok. I walked into his place and I got bombarded with a whole bunch of French Bulldogs. I then find out he breeds Frenchies. Pretty cool guy and his dogs were amazing. He checked Yoda and he said it wasn't mange, or any type of bacterial attack. He actually recommended me to bathe him with Aveeno wheat protein conditioner. That in time, Yoda's cuts and allergies will go away. I got some pretty good health tips from him. Helps me take better care of this little guy.

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