Diahreah (sp?)


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Dec 31, 2014
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Like [MENTION=3156]Htennek3[/MENTION], Bambi has diahreah now. Ginger had it bad starting last Thursday, 4/19. We tried to treat it ourselves until Monday and then my husband took her to the emergency clinic. They prescribed an antibiotic (which I see from a different thread is not good?), a powdered probiotic (ProPlan brand) and Pepsid, and prescribed a bland diet. They gave her fluids under her skin while she was there. I made a batch of boiled chicken and rice and put the chicken in the food processing and ground it up fine. Mixed it with the rice and a little chicken broth for electrolytes. She responded pretty quickly and is now pooping soft serve but no accidents in the house.

Just this morning, Bambi started with it now. The first to come out was solid but the last was diahreah which has continued. Came home to a small diahreah puddle on the floor. Let her out this evening and she's got it pretty good. So far her affect and appetite are still good.

Based on other comments, no antibiotics? What about the Pepsid? Can we give small doses of each? I've never seemed to have luck with pumpkin. I know not to use pie filling, but it has never seemed to clear up diahreah for us. I will start her on the chicken and rice tomorrow, but it is such a worry. I'm thinking it is bacterial or viral because Ginger had/has it. Thanks for any suggestions.


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Aug 19, 2013
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So last summer Jax got diarrhea and threw up a couple times but he only lasted a couple days and then Louie who was just a puppy at the time got it and was pooping every two seconds. He had no immune system and after about a week I called the vet, fecal sample was negative for parasites and so they put him on Metrozindale (sp?) and he was on it for a couple weeks before he started to get better. He definitely had some sort of little bug.

Have you done fecal tests to rule out parasites? I would continue with the bland diet and make sure they stay hydrated. Maybe add in a little broth to ensure they’re drinking.

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Aug 13, 2013
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The antibiotic they gave her, it is probably something like metronidazole which is used for parasitic and bacterial issues in the gut. I would continue with what the doctor prescribed. The probiotic, is it Fortiflora?


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Apr 10, 2018
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Sorry to hear your babies aren’t well. Mine girl had terrible diarrhea when we got her a few weeks ago. She had parasites and we got her on meds. I started feeding her a teaspoon of pumpkin(plain) with every meal and it helped regulate her very quickly.

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Apr 10, 2018
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Sorry to hear your babies aren’t well. Mine girl had terrible diarrhea when we got her a few weeks ago. She had parasites and we got her on meds. I started feeding her a teaspoon of pumpkin(plain) with every meal and it helped regulate her very quickly.

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So sorry. I just re-read your post and saw you had tried pumpkin in the past...

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Honeys Owners

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Sep 8, 2016
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I would definitely give the probiotic. Don't give Pepcid unless dog is vomiting. Most diarrhea is self limiting in a few days so hopefully Bambi will get better soon. As mentioned make sure she stays hydrated - eg. 1 part low sodium beef broth with 2 parts water. Continue bland diet for a few days after diarrhea resolves ( eg. boiled turkey or beef plus white rice ) then back to old diet.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2014
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Thanks, everyone. I will write later with the name of the meds. I'm assuming they did a fecal sample of Ginger when she was at the emergency clinic. They asked if we had a stool sample, but then she had diahreah while John was with her in the waiting room and they took a sample of that. Didn't mention anything about parasites. We haven't taken Bambi to the vet, so she did not have a fecal test. Trying on our own to clear it but will take her in if she doesn't respond soon.

Wondering why chicken isn't recommended in the bland diet? Is that because it is a hot protein? This is the first time we have heard of using broth for electrolytes. Should have realized that it is just salt that they need. Bought pedialyte but neither of them will drink it. So far, Bambi can hold it until she goes out, so that is good. It is like water. I hope we see some progress soon.

Honeys Owners

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Sep 8, 2016
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You can use chicken if your dog isn't allergic to it, but chicken tends to be the most common protein that bulldogs are allergic to.


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Dec 31, 2014
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The meds are metrodinazole (sp?) and fortiflora. I am not giving the Pepsid anymore. Ginger seems better, although haven't seen her poops. She has not had an accident in the house since last week. Bambi has not had an accident either since Friday, and that was very small. We are giving both rice and chicken with broth (so far no problem). I think Bambi must be doing better because many times she will go out and just pee, so I'm thinking she has control of her bowels again. Her affect hasn't changed and she is the same as usual that way. I have no idea what brought this on.


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Aug 19, 2013
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The meds are metrodinazole (sp?) and fortiflora. I am not giving the Pepsid anymore. Ginger seems better, although haven't seen her poops. She has not had an accident in the house since last week. Bambi has not had an accident either since Friday, and that was very small. We are giving both rice and chicken with broth (so far no problem). I think Bambi must be doing better because many times she will go out and just pee, so I'm thinking she has control of her bowels again. Her affect hasn't changed and she is the same as usual that way. I have no idea what brought this on.

Same thing Louie was taking when he got sick. Sounds like it could be a bug.

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Honeys Owners

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Sep 8, 2016
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Glad to hear Bambi is better ! Metronidazole is good for parasitic and bacterial causes of diarrhea, so whether Bambi and Ginger had a virus, or something else, we won't know and the main thing is they are better now. Keep up with the Fortiflora for a week after the antibiotic is finished, or some of the other probiotics mentioned.


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Aug 13, 2013
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I'm glad they are doing better. Twiggy started vomiting Friday night and vomited several times during the night and the next morning. I kept food away Saturday and gave her a cerenia injection. She is fine today as if nothing ever happened. It's always something with dogs lol.


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Dec 31, 2014
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We seem to have an opposite problem now with Bambi. She is doing great, acts great, eating with vigor (loves the rice and chicken!) but neither my husband nor I have seen her poop in three days. When I let her out, I watch her to make sure she poops and to see what her poops look like, but I haven't seen any. My husband doesn't watch her when he lets her out, although, she hates going out so much that if you don't watch her, she will usually come right back in. I make her stay out and keep repeating the buzz words (potty potty). Two days now I took her out after a meal and walked her around the yard for ten minutes waiting for her to poop, but nothing. She hasn't pooped in the house. I can't imagine that she hasn't pooped in three days and still keeps on eating. I don't hear any stomach rumblings and she doesn't have gas. It's got to come out sometime. We'll see what happens after her dinner tonight.


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Aug 13, 2013
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If she isn't trying to poop, and as long as she is eating and acting normal, I wouldn't worry.

Honeys Owners

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Sep 8, 2016
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We seem to have an opposite problem now with Bambi. She is doing great, acts great, eating with vigor (loves the rice and chicken!) but neither my husband nor I have seen her poop in three days. When I let her out, I watch her to make sure she poops and to see what her poops look like, but I haven't seen any. My husband doesn't watch her when he lets her out, although, she hates going out so much that if you don't watch her, she will usually come right back in. I make her stay out and keep repeating the buzz words (potty potty). Two days now I took her out after a meal and walked her around the yard for ten minutes waiting for her to poop, but nothing. She hasn't pooped in the house. I can't imagine that she hasn't pooped in three days and still keeps on eating. I don't hear any stomach rumblings and she doesn't have gas. It's got to come out sometime. We'll see what happens after her dinner tonight.

Very rare for dogs to get really constipated, it's more a problem with cats.