Quella is the same way. Blantantly ignores me when I call her name, give her kissey noises, clap my hands. And most of the time, she's just sitting in a corner or wandering aimlessly though the house. It's not even like she's intrigued with a toy or naughty. I've been spending more time calling her name when she is within my reach, but when she's distracted. That way I can blow in her ear to get her attention or make several noises and when she makes eye contact, I'll reward her with a treat. It's works roughly 65% of the time. I think the hardest thing is when wandering Petsmart or training class and I call her name and she keeps walking or veers to smell (and knock off) items from the shelves. I luckily have the advantage and can pull her leash to bring her right next to me; however e-m-b-a-r-a-s-s-i-n-g. Anyone use any other tools to get their pups to recognize their name and you as the leader?
XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too.