Flooding -Winginit66


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Oct 29, 2013
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Winginit66 asked me about floods in UK this was Christmas where I live on the Mersey/Wirral coast. Fortunately no one was hurt. New Brighton has just had a multi million building rejuvenation project finished few month before and the whole lot got flooded. However we are back up and running :) except for the Black Pearl Ship made out of drift wood by a local artist. It was swept away however having it's own Facebook page over the months various parts of the ship washed up along the coastline and has been sent back by very kind members of the public in vans, pick ups etc and all the wood is on the prom waiting to start the rebuild new week :)


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Yikes! Is flooding a recurring event there? Thanks for the pictures!

These taken on the Black Pearl which was washed away and is being rebuilt, means a lot to my family as my niece died in 2011 age 7 from a brain tumour. She loved Pirates so every year we have Pirates for Ellie Day and raise money for childrens hospice. The Black Pearl founders join in every year and let us use the ship for activities etc and fly Ellies Flag :)
WOW what a flood, glad no one was hurt. So sorry to hear about your niece.
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Oh my goodness,,,,, that is horrible, does that happen a lot?
[MENTION=290]kitkatmummy25[/MENTION] - Wow. Those are some amazing pics. So glad no one was hurt. Also, so sorry about the loss of your niece, and it is wonderful that the public is sending those pieces back so hopefully it can be reconstructed to hold many more fundraisers!