I just thought I would share something that I do on occasion as treats/chews for my dogs. I read it somewhere way back when but I can't remember where. The idea isn't mine, but it's a pretty good idea, so I wanted to share. I like to take sweet potatoes and slice then lengthwise. You should have a bunch of oval shapes. I usually slice them about 1/4" thick. I put them in the dehydrator overnight. They are pretty touch and chewy. My little dogs will work at one for a good while. I don't like to give things to chew on because they scare me (rawhides NO, greenies NO), but these are great, and healthy. I also get purple sweet potatoes at a local farm and they supposedly have more antioxidants than blueberries even, so that's a win/win. I'm not sure how much survives the dehydrator though.