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Hello from California


New member
Sep 13, 2013
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Hello all,

So glad I found this board!! I don't have the baby yet but, October 12th can't come fast enough :D

Here is Cortana


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Welcome, what a sweet little baby! Love the name too!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Welcome, She's so cute and reminds me of my dog Piper.
Welcome to FBN! Congrats on your new baby, you must be so excited!! She's adorable! :)
Thank you everyone. I am terribly excited. (I took the following Monday and Tuesday off when she comes home) :yes:
CORTANA!!! Love it (love halo too) What a great picture- Welcome to the site!!
LOL So do I! For some reason when I first saw her "Cortana" came to mind. Thank you for the welcome :)

CORTANA!!! Love it (love halo too) What a great picture- Welcome to the site!!
Yay, days off! Good call, I'm sure your baby will appreciate it. :D
I love her name, does it have a special meaning?
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