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Hello from Michigan :)


New member
Aug 1, 2013
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Hi! My name is Trish. I subscribed to this group because we just recently got a new 10 week old frenchie puppy! We are new to the breed and wanted to read up on tips for training and anything else breed related!
We are experienced dog owners, we currently have two other dogs which are shelter rescues, but we are learning quickly a frenchie is a breed all it's own :) looking forward to reading through all the forums!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1375406780.048303.webp

Trish & Margie :)
Hello and welcome to FBN! Margie is absolutely adorable, so glad you both joined! :)
Awww, what a sweet little frenchie face! Welcome to the site. :)
Welcome Trish and Margie! We will be happy to try to answer any questions you have, so don't be shy! Margie is so cute, I bet you just adore her!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Hello and :welcome: to FBN..... What a beauty Margie is.... love her sweet little face!
Welcome to the site and Margie is a beauty. It's a joy to own a Frenchie as you have found out, and they do have their unique personalities.
Hi Trish, I see you are a YOOPER :) This forum is full of good people & helpful info
Ha Yes I am a Yooper, born and raised :)
So far this forum has been great. I am learning that there are many different things you cant do or are dangerous for Frenchies. It is definitely a breed you want to research and do your homework on for their safety.
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