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Hello from Pennsylvania


New member
Feb 21, 2014
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Hello all!
I stumbled upon this site while looking for information to prepare for the arrival of Frankie (Frank Sinatra, of course) in mid-April. I lost my Ragdoll cat, Herbie, of 20 years in Nov. 2012 and spent the past year being "pet-less." However, the Frenchies have always been the dogs that I focused on whenever the thought of adding a new family member came up. So, I started searching and it just so happened that a new litter was born the morning I contacted the breeder, who sent me some pics. From the moment I saw him, I knew Frankie was THE ONE. I visit him weekly and can't wait for him to come home with me. Until then I am learning so much from everyone on this site! Much thanks to all Frenchie advisors!!

I'm not sure if this is going to work, but here is Frankie's latest photo - I just visited him this afternoon. I think he already is beginning to remember me! I just love my little guy!
:smileywelcome::FBNwelcome: Welcome to you and Frankie! We all love pictures here and can't wait to see your little Frenchman, Frankie!
Welcome! Can't wait to see Frankie, what color is he?
Hi and welcome from Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson in VA. When do you get to bring Frankie home? I think you will find a wealth of information on this site, and if you don't find what you are looking for just throw it out there and you are sure to get lots of input.

Just saw his picture!!! What a cutie!
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Welcome to the site and we are happy you found us too. Can't wait to see the pics of your sweet Frankie.
Welcome to the site! We look forward to seeing pictures of your new baby and are glad you found us!! :FBNwelcome:
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:hiya: and :welcome3: to FBN!! So happy you found us and we are able to help you welcome your new baby!

LOVE the name... looking forward to pictures.
Thank you all for the welcome! I'm already learning new things daily so I can be ready for Frankie's arrival!
OMG! He is absolutely adorable!

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I hope I'm doing this uploading stuff right-my latest little guy photo at 6 weeks. Can't believe how fast he's changing. Ears up and running everywhere. Hurry up April 18th (Frankie's homecoming!!)
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