Hello from the Bay Area!


New member
Feb 27, 2014
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I just wanted to introduce myself to the forum!

My name is Rhodessa and my husband and I are picking up our frenchie this Saturday!

We found her while looking for breeders, and they had decided to "retire" her. She did not like showing so she had one litter and it is now going to be our a newest family member.

We are beyond excited.

If anyone has a good vet (East bay/CC County) pls let me know as we are looking for one. We have one, but I'm not sure I'm in love with the doctor.

Here's a pic of our baby girl! She is three and will be four this year :)


:welcome3: to FBN.... so glad you found us! What a beauty she is!
Hi from Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson in VA. She is gorgeous!!! What is her name? I know you are super excited!
hi Anne and company!

Her name is Deja. I guess my/our excitement shows. I am counting the days until Saturday!
Welcome to the site and glad you joined our family. Your baby is a beauty.
Hi Ann welcomr to the Site. Paris and Roger x

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Welcome to the site! She is beautiful! We look forward to more photos of her! I know how you feel. We adopted Leo from a breeder. He is a retired stud. :). He is also 3, soon to be four. He is our first Frenchie and we just love him! We've had him for 4 months now...

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