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New member
Jul 18, 2013
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Hi All,
I am new to French Bulldogs {hence the name}. This definitely sounds like a fun dog to have and live with. And they're just beautiful. Hope to learn more and see lots of pics of this dog. Our dog (a shih tzu) died last year. I hope to add a new family member soon. Hopefully it will be a frenchie. I would like a puppy but also open to rescuing one.
Because of the price of these dogs I will have to save for a bit. But I think it will be worth it. Do any of you know of any good breeders in the Delmarva/Washington D.C. area? Any help would be appreciated.
Welcome to the site! We aren't allowed to recommend breeders in the posts but if someone in your area knows a good one they can certainly send you a private message. We also have a subforum just for rescue Frenchies if you want to check out that part and see if you fall in love with one of the rescues.

Good luck with your search and I can't wait to chat with you more on the boards! :)
I just did a quick search but check out Bulldog Haven on Petfinder.com. They have a little cutie named Gumbo, he's a young frenchie :)
Welcome to FBN. My boy Buster is half Olde English Bulldogge and half Frenchie. His litter was a breeder oops! but he is a delightful puppy!
Welcome, glad you joined us! I hope you find the Frenchie of your dreams!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Hello and welcome to FBN.... So sorry for your loss and best of luck in your search for a new fur-baby

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Welcome to the site and Gumbo is a little cutie.
I just did a quick search but check out Bulldog Haven on Petfinder.com. They have a little cutie named Gumbo, he's a young frenchie :)

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

I checked out pet finder but could not locate Gumbo. I wonder where he's hiding. I'll look again.

So if I get a puppy from a breeder I should expect to pay upwards of $1500? WIth people charging $1200-$6000 how do you know who is a scammer? Off to do more reading on here.
Thanks for the welcome everyone!

I checked out pet finder but could not locate Gumbo. I wonder where he's hiding. I'll look again.

So if I get a puppy from a breeder I should expect to pay upwards of $1500? WIth people charging $1200-$6000 how do you know who is a scammer? Off to do more reading on here. :D

[MENTION=24]MamaAndi[/MENTION] my be able to help find Gumbo againa.... as for scammers, you really need to do alot of research and ask a LOT of questions. And, yes the cost will be 1500-6000 unless you rescue then it is a few hundred.
My frenchie was 4 when we got her & I wouldn't trade her for the world :) Over the years all of my dogs have been rescues except 1. Do your homework on the breed & especially where you get him, scammers will stoop to the bottom to make a buck, at the expense of the animal.
My frenchie was 4 when we got her & I wouldn't trade her for the world :) Over the years all of my dogs have been rescues except 1. Do your homework on the breed & especially where you get him, scammers will stoop to the bottom to make a buck, at the expense of the animal.

Sad what people will do for the "almighty dollar".
I'm in no hurry. Don't get me wrong if the right dog falls in my lap it will be great. With that said, I can wait.
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