HELP! My frenchie keeps throwing up


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Jan 16, 2014
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So I caught chewy eating pooh earlier, like I have many other times.. He not keeps throwing up a brownish yellow.. I clean up his mouth and he drink plenty of water just to throw up again.. It's happened about 4 times in the last 30 minutes.. I'm getting really worried. He's never thrown up like this.. Even the other times when he has eaten pooh.. Please help..
Now when he throws up it's coming out of his nose
That sounds a bit scary if he won't keep anything down... Is there an emergency vet? Is he lethargic?

Any chance he ate something else besides his poo?

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He's running around playing with Lucy... He's not lethargic at all.. Our vet told us he would benefit from getting his nostrils enlarged and he could possibly need soft palate surgery because it's elongated.. When he puked it smells like pooh.. I'm wondering if he maybe inhaled it?
I'd take him in to his vet and get him checked out right away. He may have eaten something (other than poo) that is causing a blockage.
It's funny you say that (not really funny) he ended up throwing up a dog squeaker.. From his favorite toy.. He swallowed it whole -_-
It's funny you say that (not really funny) he ended up throwing up a dog squeaker.. From his favorite toy.. He swallowed it whole -_-

I'm glad he got it up!!! How is he doing today?
He's doing good! Thanks for asking :)) [MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION]
It's funny you say that (not really funny) he ended up throwing up a dog squeaker.. From his favorite toy.. He swallowed it whole -_-

They are fast .... glad he is doing better and it came up OK.
So glad he's better [MENTION=451]jessicae091[/MENTION]

Keep an eye out for any weird symptoms over the next few days, since it was coming out of his nose it's possible he could have aspirated some of the vomit. Likely he's okay, but just in case he starts acting ill.

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[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] yes he is very quick.. And there wasn't stuffing everywhere so I didn't realize he had gotten it! Sneaky sneaky!
[MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION] yeah I am going to keep a very close eye on him.. Lucy (our newest baby) has an appointment on Friday so I will bring him alongs too & tell the vet what happened :)
So happy he threw up the squeaker, and is fine now.
Thank you for all of your help! It put me at eeze