Help...Potty training regression!!


Staff member
Aug 19, 2013
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Has anyone dealt with potty training regression? We got Jax at about 10 weeks old and he slept in the kitchen in an ex pen with a pee pad. He used the pee pad maybe the first three nights and then slept through the night after that. He had a few accidents throughout the house while potty training which we expected. Since the summer ended and the kids back in school (when he was about 5 months old), he has been confined to the kitchen during the day. For the first couple of weeks, I would put pee pads down, just in case, and all he would do is tear them up into pieces and never use them so I stopped putting them in there. He never had any accidents during the day while confined to the kitchen until a few weeks ago but he had giarda so it wasn't his fault, he just couldn't hold it. He has been giarda free for a couple weeks now but he has pooped in the kitchen 3 times this week and he also peed today. I'm not sure what is going on and why now, all of a sudden, he is pooping in the house. Help!!!
It is funny that you posted this tonight because I was going to post something similar. We also got Marg at around 11 weeks old and she is now 7 months old. She seemed to be doing so well with potty training, but lately she has been having quite a few accidents. We take her out at least every 45 minutes or so when we are home and she is running around. If for some reason she has to go potty, she has not learned how to let us know she as to go. She will simply go in the other room and pee on the floor. She tends to only have pee accidents. The good thing is she is now able to be in her kennel all day while we are at work without any accidents at all, and that is a 8 1/2 hour day. So I am also looking for suggestions on how to reinforce potty training to her, and have her try to learn a way to let us know she has to go. It is just getting frustrating that she is this old and still doesn't know she isn't suppose to pee on the floor :(
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It is funny that you posted this tonight because I was going to post something similar. We also got Marg at around 11 weeks old and she is now 7 months old. She seemed to be doing so well with potty training, but lately she has been having quite a few accidents. We take her out at least every 45 minutes or so when we are home and she is running around. If for some reason she has to go potty, she has not learned how to let us know she as to go. She will simply go in the other room and pee on the floor. She tends to only have pee accidents. The good thing is she is now able to be in her kennel all day while we are at work without any accidents at all, and that is a 8 1/2 hour day. So I am also looking for suggestions on how to reinforce potty training to her, and have her try to learn a way to let us know she has to go. It is just getting frustrating that she is this old and still doesn't know she isn't suppose to pee on the floor :(

It is definitely frustrating! With Jax, he is fine when someone is home and he does let us know when he has to go out but for some reason, he is pooping when he is home alone while we are st work/school and he never did before.
It is definitely frustrating! With Jax, he is fine when someone is home and he does let us know when he has to go out but for some reason, he is pooping when he is home alone while we are st work/school and he never did before.

Ha it sounds like we have opposite but similar problems ha.

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I'm right there with you ladies, but with a 3 year old! LOL It's not funny really but frustrating. I'm hoping my issues are because he is not fixed yet (which happens next week), but Leo also doesn't let us know when he really has to go outside when we are home, so we have to watch him closely. I can usually tell when he's about to lift his little leg and can catch him, but if he's in a different room and we're not watching him like a hawk, he will pee sometimes, not always. 9 times out of 10, he does really good while we are at work and will not pee in his crate or the bathroom, but sometimes he regresses...... :(
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[MENTION=156]trishkidd24[/MENTION] I was doing some reading last night on the internet and apparently it is not uncommon for dogs at this age to regress. I gave my whole kitchen floor a scrub with an enzyme cleaner last night and this morning which I hope will help as he kept pooping in the same spot (fingers crossed that he doesn't have an accident today).
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] I guess I am lucky that Jax does let us know when he has to go out. We have a split level house so he will go and sit at the top of the stairs that leads down to outside. Every now and then though when he is playing and running around hard, he will run under the table and pee but he is pretty good for the most part. My problem with him now is him pooping in the kitchen when he is home alone for the day.
This is normal and they will get over it, just be patient. :)
I agree with David. They will get the hang of it. Two steps forward, one step back. :)
We are having a few toileting issues as well. In the last couple of days Hugo the Ninja Wee pup has obviously been getting used to being settled in new home etc and he does quite well however Winston has now taken to 'marking' the spot where Hugo has wee'd so I was flying around the house yesterday seemingly in a constant frenzy of cleaning carpets and putting fur baby's outside in the yard! I know it will pass but it was making my head spin yesterday.