Hi everyone


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Apr 17, 2024
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Just want to say hi to everyone on here so me and my family are you to the Frenchy world and I’m having some difficulty with getting our pup to go potty outside we’ve had him for about two weeks now he’s just been able to go outside for the past three days But for some reason, he refuses to use the bathroom and suggestions


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Welcome to FBN! Typical frenchie... they are very difficult to potty train, some get it , others take months to fall into it. Stay consistent, make a schedule and stick to it and praise/reward whenever he goes outside. do not make a big fuse if he does it inside cause it i still attention
Hey guys, quick update so we’ve been walking gunner for about a week now outside but I have not been successful in getting him to use the bathroom outside. I’ve even noticed when he’s about to go to the bathroom in the home and Rush outside with him but he still refuses to use the bathroom.
Hey guys, quick update so we’ve been walking gunner for about a week now outside but I have not been successful in getting him to use the bathroom outside. I’ve even noticed when he’s about to go to the bathroom in the home and Rush outside with him but he still refuses to use the bathroom.
Typical Frenchie… bring a high value treat and stay out until he goes. Then treat and praise.. only use that one high value treat for potty nothing else
Typical Frenchie… bring a high value treat and stay out until he goes. Then treat and praise.. only use that one high value treat for potty nothing else
Ok Will do and I appreciate the info question do you have any suggestions for the high-value treat? I am giving him some treats now for basic commands.
Ok Will do and I appreciate the info question do you have any suggestions for the high-value treat? I am giving him some treats now for basic commands.
Roasted chicken…liverwurst… dried beef liver