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Hi from Kansas City!


New member
Jun 3, 2013
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My name is Katherine and I just became a brand-new owner of an 8 week old frenchie named Charlie yesterday. He is so sweet, and we've bonded really well. However, because I'm a first time pet-parent, I have so many questions! I'll be posting a lot in the training and behavior threads, so I hope you well-versed frenchie parents are out there reading. Thanks for your support in advance!
Welcome to you and Charlie! Post away and someone here should be able to answer your questions! Glad you joined! :)
Welcome Katherine and Charlie! I love your avatar picture, he's adorable!!!

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
Hello and :welcome: to FBN! Charlies is adorable... love his coloring
Welcome to the site, and your baby is so cute. So glad you found us, and we are looking forward in seeing your baby grow up.
Welcome Katherine and ADORABLE Charlie! He is a very handsome boy!
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