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Housetrained and peeing inside :0(


New member
Aug 27, 2013
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I am so frustrated. Cooper (13 weeks old) had him for 2 weeks and trying to housetrain him, it's going 'quite' well. But now my fully housetrained 7 year old shih Tzu is now peeing inside. He has been housetrained for 6 1/2 years. Never had a problem before. He isn't doing it in the same place. I could cry!
Yep probably marking. Wouldn't be a bad idea to take him to the vet though. Just in case its a UTI.
From what I can tell he has only done it twice and that was yesterday. Max (7 year old) can hold his bladder for hours in fact my mum always jokes that she has never seen him pee. We went out for about 90 mins yesterday and left them together (crate training not working) and Cooper had peed on his mat and Maxi had peed in the spot where he peed as a pup. Then about 3 hours later they were having a mad half hour and Max peed again in the exact same spot!! It's been two weeks and they get on sooooooo well so I really don't understand. A UTI is possible but I just think Maxi is now being lazy. Originally we got him housetrained in only 2 weeks which was amazing considering Shih Tzus are hard to break so I just feel crestfallen now.
Sounds like Max was telling cooper he owns it, marking it is their way of communicating ownership. Hopefully it won't continue. Max just wants to stay above cooper in the pack order I'm guessing.

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Oh gosh, I know the feeling. It will get better
Sounds frustrating. Are they fighting for dominance, or is someone getting more attention than someone else? These puppies, always keeping us on our toes, gosh!
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