I got to hang out with a Frenchie!


New member
Aug 13, 2013
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Ok, not so exciting to you guys because you have Frenchies but it was very exciting for me! A Veterinarian that works with us a couple days a week brought one of his in Monday and I got to hang out with him all day. Normally he works on my days off so I have never got to spend more than a couple minutes with one. Next week he is bringing a different one. I'm so excited! Anyway the one he brought this week was a brindle boy, about 25 pounds and totally sweet and adorable. I'm in love!!! He was so stocky and muscular. He looks like a little body builder running around with his cute little butt wiggling. Squueee!
Hi, Melody. I feel that way about my Frenchie. I am so lucky to have her and everyday she does something that makes me laugh.
There is just something about Frenchies. We went on a trip for Thanksgiving visiting my in-laws who have some mutt dog, and my sis in laws miniature something were there, but our Bella was not. They are both cute but as we took them for walks every night my hubs and I talked about how much our Bella loves people, wants to get to know them and her faces and personality make you smile so big! The other dogs just didn't have that. There is something about a French Bulldog!!!

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Ok, not so exciting to you guys because you have Frenchies but it was very exciting for me! A Veterinarian that works with us a couple days a week brought one of his in Monday and I got to hang out with him all day. Normally he works on my days off so I have never got to spend more than a couple minutes with one. Next week he is bringing a different one. I'm so excited! Anyway the one he brought this week was a brindle boy, about 25 pounds and totally sweet and adorable. I'm in love!!! He was so stocky and muscular. He looks like a little body builder running around with his cute little butt wiggling. Squueee!

Melody, I remember those days when going to visit a breeder or just being in the presence of these little clowns was a high for me. It still is, even now that I have my little Leo! I can't wait for the next dog show. I go just to see the Frenchies and Boxers!
There is just something about Frenchies. We went on a trip for Thanksgiving visiting my in-laws who have some mutt dog, and my sis in laws miniature something were there, but our Bella was not. They are both cute but as we took them for walks every night my hubs and I talked about how much our Bella loves people, wants to get to know them and her faces and personality make you smile so big! The other dogs just didn't have that. There is something about a French Bulldog!!!

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I so agree (except Boxers are pretty cool too, just sayin)..... but Frenchies are something very special, their personalities are so wonderful and expressive! Leo brings us so much happiness and laughter, we can't imagine life without him!
Hey Melody! Glad you got to spend the day with one! Aren't they the coolest?
I knew all of you guys would understand my excitement. :) Tomorrow he is supposed to bring one of the other Frenchies that I have never seen. I can't wait!

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Frenchies rule!! They are the greatest.
I knew all of you guys would understand my excitement. :) Tomorrow he is supposed to bring one of the other Frenchies that I have never seen. I can't wait!

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So how did it go with the second Frenchie..... will the vet give you one, er I mean , after all he has two -- right ??

It didn't go. He wasn't working! He was in Miami. Last week he said "next week I'm bringing a pied girl". Maybe he meant next week. I was so disappointed. oh and no he doesn't have two. He has like 4 or 5! I'm thinking that's just selfish. I don't even have one! Lol He should give me one for sure.:)

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Oh yeah!!! At leasst you could dog sit.... for an extended time frame!!!
Well he worked yesterday but didn't bring one. His wife did stop by for a bit though and had 2 that I hadn't met before with her. YAY! The little girl isn't too thrilled with stranger so she never let me pet her. The boy though, was adorable and so so so fun!!!
There is just something about Frenchies. We went on a trip for Thanksgiving visiting my in-laws who have some mutt dog, and my sis in laws miniature something were there, but our Bella was not. They are both cute but as we took them for walks every night my hubs and I talked about how much our Bella loves people, wants to get to know them and her faces and personality make you smile so big! The other dogs just didn't have that. There is something about a French Bulldog!!!

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I have been around many many dogs, since I work with our local animal shelter. I have two rescues (a boxer mix and golden ret. mix) and I can truly say, personality wise frenchies are a breed all their own! All of my dogs have different personalities which is something I love... BUT I do have to say there is nothing in the world more rewarding then taking home a homeless dog, regardless of breed.
That is why I love this site too, we promote the re-homing and adopting of frenchies who need a new family :) I am definitely an advocate for adopting when possible, but I do love my purebred frenchie (which I purchased from a breeder).