I Wonder If My Baby Boy Misses Me As Much As I Miss Him!

Alice Kable

Apr 14, 2013
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Probably not; he is having fun with his brother and all of the other dogs at the doggy hotel while I'm working hard at an antique show in Spokane, WA.



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I bet he does, don't kid yourself! Or he will when it's cuddle time! How's the show going?

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk :)
I so love when Frenchies till their heads, not sure why but it is so darn adorable
[MENTION=1]bullmama[/MENTION] the show was excellent, it may be our top show for 2013!
[MENTION=24]MamaAndi[/MENTION] it is so hard to catch him sitting still, any picture has to be taken right as soon as I put him down in the chair or it is all blurry!
[MENTION=2]2bullymama[/MENTION] the head tilt makes them look like they are really paying attention, and those ears are so expressive!
[MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION] I'm sure he did. When we picked up the boys Buster did his happy dance and squirt, squirt peed the floor! The owners of the kennel loved Buster and were amazed at how Ruggles looks after him. It is always nice to get a good report on our fur kids!
He is such a cutie pie! I'm going to be away from Jax for 4 1/2 days in February and it makes me so sad!!!