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Loosing Fur

Katie Winchell

New member
Apr 25, 2013
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I noticed a small patch of fur between right above Norm's nose that looked matted so I decided to clean it. I took some witch hazel on a q-tip and started rubbing it and the fur fell out. He doesn't have any other spots like it. Does anyone have an ideas?
Sometimes if they have a sore they will get a scab, and when it's healed the scab will come off (or when it's rubbed). The hair on it will come off with it. It's hard to say without seeing it though. Does the skin underneath look fine? Did the hair come off in a clump?

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Sometimes if they have a sore they will get a scab, and when it's healed the scab will come off (or when it's rubbed). The hair on it will come off with it. It's hard to say without seeing it though. Does the skin underneath look fine? Did the hair come off in a clump?
The skin underneath looks ok. It's kinda a hard spot to take a picture of. He acted like it hurt when I touched it. He doesn't have any other spots like it. He could have gotten scratched playing.
Cheli has this to, not sure what causes it, but it sort of like a callous in he nose rope
I just wonder if he ran into something and scraped it.
Well the spot above Norm's nose is doing fine. He probably scratched it. I did find another spot on his side that started to loose the fur and was a little raised. The bump kept getting bigger so I took him into the vet and he has Histiocytoma. The bump will just take some time to go away.
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