Luxating Patilla


New member
Oct 29, 2013
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My 5 month old puppy has been limping, so I took her to the vet, and they examined her saying she
looks like she has luxating patilla of the knees. Has anyone experienced this with their frenchie?:(
Not with a Bulldog, but with a Red Heeler. It was more than 15 years ago and she did okay without surgery, she limped a little sometimes but it didn't slow her down. We saw her catch a chipmunk once!
Usually a good outcome with surgery. Does your vet do ortho work?
We haven't had a Frenchie with this, but we had rescued an English bully who had one. We took him to a specialist to have the surgery done, and it's been a couple years now and he is doing great. I would take him to a specialist to get him checked out.
I had an EB with it, his ACL tore twice and due to that his knee cap was always popping out of place, but our vet never thought it was bad enough for surgery
I have a Kees who was diagnosed at 18 mos with it . She is now 9yrs and it has never bothered her or progressed. Our vet said to keep an eye on her and if she worsened we could have the surgery done . She's never needed the surgery thank goodness , and she is still very active and energetic.