Mayhem and Lexi play

Jess M

New member
Jun 5, 2013
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No puppies or Boxers were harmed in the making of this video :)
OMG!!! That is sooooo darn cute! I think I just fainted! :faint:

I miss my Boxer, Candy! I love when they play the mouthie game, they are so gentle! Our Boxer used to play that game with my dad, we have a framed picture of it, it's so cute! Mayhem is a little stinker, he's adorable!!! Lexi is adorable, as all Boxer's are, but I'm partial. :yes:
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] Thank you. Lexi has always been very gentle with Mayhem. She is almost 5 years old. Mayhem was only 8 weeks old when we brought him home and he was a tiny 2.6 pounds!! They absolutely adore each other.
[MENTION=194]mhuinker[/MENTION] Thank you. Lexi has always been very gentle with Mayhem. She is almost 5 years old. Mayhem was only 8 weeks old when we brought him home and he was a tiny 2.6 pounds!! They absolutely adore each other.

They are so cute together!! :) Thank you for sharing, love seeing Boxers and Frenchies together!
Just too cute, and Mayhem is a pistol, and too cute. Lexi is a beauty too.
Mayhem is a little stinker!! Don't you just love how play!!!
That video was too adorable!! I just love boxers!
Sooo cute! Frenchies don't realize they are small dogs, do they?
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OMG.... totally adorable LEXI is a great big sister
Yeah..... I have to watch this over and over and never get tired of it! You are one lucky dog owner with these two!
How sweet they are. She's so good with the little monster. I love that last shot where she flops her paw down on him. :D
Thank you everyone :) Lexi is a wonderful big sister to Mayhem. They are quite a comical pair.