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May 7, 2013
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Welcome [MENTION=31]cherie[/MENTION]! Look at those cute babies!!! You must tell us all about them.
i dont see many frenchies where i am from so i wanna get out there more
Hello Cherie and :welcome2: to FBN!! Gizmo and Oreo are so cute, they do resemble thier names too...
thank u so much everyone seems so nice and if there is any help u could give me i do appreciate it
Welcome [MENTION=31]cherie[/MENTION]! Your babies are beautiful and I love their names! How old are they. I look forward to getting to know them!
Oreo is 11 months now and gizmo is 4 years old with nice markings
[MENTION=31]cherie[/MENTION] this forum is still pretty new so if there is anything specific you want help or advice about you are more than welcome to bring it up or start a thread and we will all chime in I'm sure :)
Welcome [MENTION=31]cherie[/MENTION], Oreo, and Gizmo! Your frenchies are adorable!!!
I hope to mingle and meet alot of nice people here and learn about the breed so far my frenchies r not allergic to nothing that i am aware of but time can change that, they r amazing with kids and other animals and live to be the centre of attention if not well they find a way and they r so cute it is impossible for them not to break in ur hearts . So with saying that i look forward to talking to u .
Welcome to the site and your babies are too cute. We love pics around here so don't be shy about posting them, or any question you may have.
:smileywelcome: I'm so glad you found us, Your Frenchies are adorabull. :drool:
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