My angel of a frenchie turned into a devil!


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Sep 7, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I came home half an hour ago and my sweet, obedient girl who never does anything wrong did her first big mischief! She is a week shy of seven months and an angel, or so I thought. A month ago, we stopped crating her during the day because she has been incredibly well behaved. Well, that is until today!

She completely tore down two magazines to shreds and afterwards peed on the carpet. To get to the magazines she must have climbed on the coffee table, something she is not allowed to do and she knows it well. The pee, I have no explanation of as she hasn't had an accident for months. I lost my cool and told her off. I've put her on a "time out" in the corner of the room. She has been sitting there for the past half an hour and I feel incredibly bad. I just want to cuddle her.

Has anyone had any experience with naughty frenchies? How do you correct such behaviour?
I crate my guys for their own safety and to ensure they don't get into anything they shouldn't. Since you scolded her after the fact, she probably has no idea why she got in trouble.
I agree; I would start crating her again. Believe me, if the day ever comes when she needs to be crated (convalescing, road trip, company coming over, etc.), you will be so thankful you did.
She gets crated every night. We have a crate for her upstairs in our bedroom where she sleeps. We do not close the door, she has been thaught to stay there every morning until we get up. As for traveling, having company over, etc. as reasons for crating, again she has done that multiple times and has no issues whatsoever. In fact, she is flying again over the holidays, perfectly satisfied in her carrier bag.

I do not believe in crating an obedient, well behaved dog (once housebroken) at all times, every day AND do not feel like the solution is going back to crating her when we are out.
Having troubles with my lil dude as well with this (he is the same age as yours). Sometimes when he is left alone he will go after things like cardboard or paper, anything I might have left within reach. My solution is to "Frenchi-Proof" my living room and I just shut all the doors so he is confined to the living room and kitchen when I leave. Do you leave your pup alone often? It could be she is developing separation anxiety or in general just nervous about being alone? One thing that also helps me is to remind myself that he is essentially just a little baby kid and does not do it out of spite for me or out of any negative intent, I think he is just antsy and nervous when I leave sometimes.
The peeing is a problem. She probably can’t hold her bladder that long. When you crate them all day they are forced to hold it or soil themselves. As for the magazines..... you do realize it’s a French bulldog. No matter how well trained they are when they get bored they will find something to do. You need to keep them busy throughout the day .

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I crate my guys for their own safety and to ensure they don't get into anything they shouldn't. Since you scolded her after the fact, she probably has no idea why she got in trouble.

I agree. And I'm sure she was bored and the magazines were there....
Do none of you allow them free roam when you are away? I'm sort of realizing this might end being what I do as well. For instance, every day when I go to shower for just 20 minutes, he finds something to get into trouble. Today it was a tube of neosporin lol (thankfully he didn't actually break the tube and get to the stuff inside but he made a valiant effort). He has a ton of toys and very tasty dog chews but he will always go for something new, aka 'stuff humans would probably yell at me for if they saw me right now'. Is he really instantly that bored the minute I shut the door? I don't think so! it really feels like mischief to me sometimes (maybe it's because he is still young)

like I said I lock him in the living room where I try to keep everything he might go for out of reach but there is stuff he could destroy if he really wanted to...
Do none of you allow them free roam when you are away? I'm sort of realizing this might end being what I do as well. For instance, every day when I go to shower for just 20 minutes, he finds something to get into trouble. Today it was a tube of neosporin lol (thankfully he didn't actually break the tube and get to the stuff inside but he made a valiant effort). He has a ton of toys and very tasty dog chews but he will always go for something new, aka 'stuff humans would probably yell at me for if they saw me right now'. Is he really instantly that bored the minute I shut the door? I don't think so! it really feels like mischief to me sometimes (maybe it's because he is still young)

like I said I lock him in the living room where I try to keep everything he might go for out of reach but there is stuff he could destroy if he really wanted to...

Jax used to have free roam of part of the house but I never left toys or chews out as that can end badly with no supervision. However, I now have a bulldog and I would not trust them alone free roaming together for more than than a few minutes as even though they get along, a fight can still break out and at given moment. PLUS, Jax has IVDD and his jumping on/off furniture needs to be limited. If anything happened to him while no one was home, I would never forgive myself.

So for me, in the long run, crating is the best option to keep my dogs safe. They are not crated all day, every day, just when no one is home and the longest has been maybe 4 hours or so. Once the kids move out, I plan on hiring someone to come let them out mid-day while we are at work.
It could just be a regression/rebellious stage if she was really good before. At that age they're still considered puppies so maybe not full freedom of the house for now and work up allowing full access to the house. I don't crate my 8mth old Leo anymore (because aside from getting into things he shouldn't, he also excessively salivated and it caused him stress). Instead I've found he does really well blocked off in the kitchen with access to his crate to sleep in. Perhaps you can block your little girl off in a room with her crate in that room and leave a comfy bed in the crate with some indestructible rubber toys? I make sure nothing else is in the kitchen on the floor other than his toys and a bowl of water otherwise he will get into it. :)
Has anyone had any experience with naughty frenchies?

There have been moments.

She gets crated every night. We have a crate for her upstairs in our bedroom where she sleeps. We do not close the door, she has been thaught to stay there every morning until we get up. As for traveling, having company over, etc. as reasons for crating, again she has done that multiple times and has no issues whatsoever. In fact, she is flying again over the holidays, perfectly satisfied in her carrier bag.

I do not believe in crating an obedient, well behaved dog (once housebroken) at all times, every day AND do not feel like the solution is going back to crating her when we are out.

A lot of times negative feelings associated with the crate come from HUMANS who think it is somehow cruel. It will not have a negative connotation to dogs, IF used correctly (to keep dog safely contained when you can't be around to supervise) and NEVER for punishment. Dogs innately are drawn to cave-like dens and a crate is a good replica of that. I've owned 8 dogs in my life and all have been crate trained and chosen on their own, to retreat there when wanting time alone or to rest. Using a crate as a safe and positive place for the dog to retire when he or she can't be supervised is ideal. It only takes a second or two for a dog to get into something - chemicals or another object. Magazines are fun to shred. Next time it might be something larger that could get stuck in her intestines.

I don't think anyone would advocate crating any dog at all times every day. But a very young dog who is still playful and curious is a different story, in my opinion.

I have an almost 8 year old Boxer who is trustworthy and my Frenchie has been with us long enough now that I'd feel confident enough to leave her out but I choose to crate her in a room with my Boxer who is in the room also but behind a baby gate. For me it is the safest way to keep them together but apart (because like Cbrugs stated, mine usually don't fight but could easily get into a tussle over something they both want). The danger of Daphne getting into something she shouldn't, is eliminated with a crate. She loves it and runs inside when it is time for me to leave. I reserve special treats that she gets only when she goes inside. She has a cuddle buddy and a few safe chew toys, but usually just climbs right into her bed and sleeps the entire time.
She might have been bored and is starting to explore more now that she's older. She also might be in her 'terrible twos' stage. Wally was gated up in the kitchen when he was too young to hold his bladder all day. As soon as he got older he was crated. Once he turned 1 he had free reign in the house with his older sister. That's the age I thought I could trust him enough not to get into any mischief and luckily I was right. He hasn't been in a crate since and he's 6 1/2.