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Mystery bumps query


New member
Aug 27, 2013
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My 4 month old has some strange bumps under his skin. They appear, maybe a couple per day then the next minute they are gone and another one appears. He has probably had 7 or 8 in the last week. He is on Royal Canin and has been for 4 weeks. Any ideas?
Can you post a picture of them? Or tell us where they are located on the body, certain place or all over?
I have taken a picture but they are not showing up, he is fawn and in the flesh they are quite easy to see in certain lights. Today he only has one on his shoulder. They have all been on the top. Head, back, between his eyes (that was tiny) and neck. None on his underside. They are no bigger than a pea. Can appear and be gone by the next day. Also found a tiny cluster of dry pimples on his back leg.
Hmmmmm weird, a thought would be a allergy reaction of some kind OR maybe is he getting bit by a mosquito? flea? I haven't had any experience with that, so this is all guess's :unsure:
Kinda sounds like a welt maybe? Could be an allergy but if they go away its going to be very hard for evens vet to diagnose it. :(

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:( I've never heard of this. Does he scratch or chew at them? It seems odd that they appear and disappear like that. Interested to hear what your vet has to say.
That is odd, usually hives will stay for a few days. Maybe a mosquito bit?
My guess is allergies, have you checked with your vet yet?
Thanks guys. It is very weird. The one he had this morning has now gone and he has a new one on his side. My husband hasn't even noticed them, it's just because his coat is slightly slightly raised where they appear underneath. We live in Spain and its quite warm still, high 80's so maybe it's that. As they don't bother him I will leave the vet for now.

P.s we've had him 5 weeks today and touch wood we nearly have him housetrained. We are down to 1 pee on his mat, only pooped twice in the house since we had him and for 3 nights he has gone from 11pm until 7am without needing to pee. So feeling proud!
Great job on the house training, sounds like he is doing well.